Theory: Revenge for Target!
Theory: Revenge for Target!
Yeah this is shade.
Yes he is, he needs something to hold on to - probably because of his age or his giant fat head stuffed with rocks.
Two recent reports concerning our esteemed president Donald J. Trump seem to suggest the leader of the free world…
Bush actually read quite a lot! Something like two books a week. That’s right: Trump makes George W. Bush look like a fucking academic.
Maybe its just because I am a curmudgeonly old bibliophile, but I do not trust people who openly profess that they don’t read books.
But his meetings now begin at 9 a.m., earlier than they used to, which significantly curtails his television time. Still, Mr. Trump, who does not read books, is able to end his evenings with plenty of television.
I enjoy that Ted has had stable TV employment post-QE, especially because I remember him being portrayed as the older, less fun one on Queer Eye.
DC’s best sign:
My favorite from Philly which had NO media coverage.
Appearances are often deceiving but Aaron Rogers does seem like a good, shy dude . So it makes sense that he’d take comfortable domesticity with his significant other over a batshit crazy family drama.
i think girl groups are just fine and dandy, and probably always will be.
Never having seen an episode of 7th Heaven, I can still swear with certitude that Catherine Hicks’ quip about Collins’ coffin in still the best thing about that show ever.
I disagree, however, this is definitely the classiest insult I shall see this week. Well played.
Natalie Portman is beautiful but is the most wooden actor of our time. I feel as though she could be made into an armoire.
I mean, I feel bad for her, because this bible had blank spots in it for notes, so why is it bad that she highlighted things. This reminds me of the most confusing aspect of my recent Byzantine history class, which was all the heresies. I’m a Jew. Jews generally don’t kick other Jews out of the faith unless you REALLY…
I am convinced that Debbie Reynolds died of a broken heart. My heart goes out to Billie and Todd-I cannot even fathom what they’re going through right now.
The thing about having kids is that you end up programmed to always feel a little sorry for people who have to distract their kids from something they don’t want them to see; even Ivanka Trump.
I listen to hip-hop more than I listen to pop music.
So wait, you don’t consider ALICE (Mia Wasikowska) in the movie ALICE Through the Looking Glass a lead character?? Because it seems to me that would satisfy all the criteria.