
Considering Mother Teresa set up her "Homes for the Dying" as literally that, Places for people to die. And that the peopel there recieved haphazard medical care at best, minimal or no painkillers, no effort was made to differenciate between curable & incurable cases so people who could have been saved instead died,

I'm at work and youtube is blocked, but I know there is a video out there of an attempted truck thief who couldn't drive stick and only managed to stall it a few times without getting anywhere before the owner chased him off.

I had a taurus with a digital dash. when set to MPH it would only count up to 85mph. If you switched it to KPH it would keep counting well over 160kph(100mph). I ran out of highway and nerve before it stopped counting.

Oh yes. Even if it was jsut a cranky old inline Ford. The spring day when the weather finally warmed enough to throw open the garage door and climb in the driver's seat again was always a great day. A convoluted series of cranking & pumping the gas to get the engine to finally grumble to life. A bit of idling, then

Don't use spray paint. Go to an auto parts store and buy a can of spray vinyl dye for seats. Scrub your gun with soap & water and let dye then spray it with the vinyl dye. It actually soaks into the plastic so even if it get scratched the dye doesn't chip like paint.

So you are better than honda fanboys because you nearly punched someone for dissing your car? Really?...

Yep, I try reading it from tiem to time. But After a month or so *tops* I start wondering once again why I'm bothering and drop it from my blog trawl. I can't manage to give a damn amount regugitated press releases and the other utterly bland content. And the comments make me wish there was a "face smack over IP"

The Truth About Cars is a good all around site when Jack Baruth isn't going out of his way to try and prove what a badass he is. Murile Martin moved here and is still posting cool stuff. []

The teal green on early 90's tauri. This color was a big hit the first year of that body style, and looked dated and was unloved the 2nd year(the third year they wised up and offered a dark green).

My '62 Comet is a pile of quirks, to the point where I dread someone else driving it because of the instructions needed. Some are part of being a 49 year old car; ignition in the dash to the left of the column, 6 identical poorly labeled knobs on the dash to operate light/wipers/heat/cigarette lighter. While many

I was about to post the same thing. My friends almost universally mock the xB for its looks until they ride in it, then it becomes the default choice to go anywhere thanks to the room inside.

you could, but he actually did. And that makes a world of difference.

THANK YOU! The chase is pretty awesome, but the rest of the movie is *terrible*. Especially the last 20 minutes of them running around an airport tarmac. No dialogue, no music, nothing but two guys in the dark hiding in ditches and running around planes.

I have to confess one of my (fever) dream projects is to do something like this with a '67 Cadillac. Except I'd keep the rear doors, weld up the front, move the windshield back and hack off the roof. And I would go cruising my 19 foot roadster.

Beat me to it, that was exactly the one I was going to post.

He got that plate after they made him turn in his old one.

Creepiest van? This guy's.

in nascar races at the time the drivers of non-chevy cars quickly learned they could bump the chevys in the let fin and jam the fuel filler door. This slowed the chevy teams at refueling as they had to work to pry the thing open, giving the other teams an advantage. In response chevy produced the "Black Widow" cars

They may look bizarre but you do get *insane* amounts of interior space for the size, so in that regard they are pretty sweet.

Ford 200 inline. Because this one is mine.