
@Se7en_speed: Yes we're driving in my xB. It's actually a pretty good long-haul vehicle. Lots of room up front, decent stereo and gets over 30mpg easy. Plus we're hauling a file cabinet, coffee table & buffet in the back and still have room for our luggage.

We are driving. Leaving work at 5pm, picking up my g/f and we're driving 12+ hours to Durham NC so she can spend thanksgiving with her family.

@tardis454: I started reading bangshift right about the time he got it. I've been following it ever since, and every post he makes just fuels my obsession. I keep surfing craigslist and dreaming of the day I have the space for something like that. Right now my g/f &I have 4 cars[1] crammed in where 2 should park at

I have to confess I kinda want a truck like this. But something *much* older. Like from the 50s to the early 70s. And built from a 400 or 600 series. Like the "Goliath" truck from

@duurtlang: Still miles better than the econoline which is a 2009 nose stuck on a 1992 body riding on a 1979 chassis.

In Hartford 49cc scooters were commonly called "Liquor Bikes" and where about 80%+ owned by DUI offenders.

Nissan Pao, I have no idea why, but I want one of these so much. Only four more years before they can be legally imported...

The family car I was old enough to truely recall was a 1988 Ford Taurus wagon. Bought brand new when I was 10, it remained the family hauler of everything from groceries to building materials to camping supplies. When I turned 16 it was handed down to me along wit hthe requirement that I become the family taxi driver

@Kulprit442: It is a classic mustang, either a '69 or '70. You know, the one the current one is meant to look like...

Is this where I point out the fuel being wasted hauling all that dirt/plants/water around? Or about the dangers of it flying off during emergency braking and/or a collision? What about it shedding leaves/dirt/plants when traveling at higher speeds? How about the problems of rust and/or leaks from the moisture needed

@AMC_CJ: The plan was to tow it with my '62 Comet. However job loss, storage loss, and lack of funds conspired to make me have to sell the camper in order to keep the Comet.

@Pixel: And a $200 Harbor Freight trailer has been about the most useful car accessory ever purchased.

Factory tow ratings are BS in the US. The xb is rating for 0 towing in the US, but for 1000lbs in japan with a smaller engine.

@driven to his pilot's license: Apparently for me step 5 was "Franticly hit share button and close out window because boss is coming and not notice you didn't finish the list"

Step 1: Hire Intern

I don't know the details and it probably wasn't the worst. But when the blizzard of '78 hit my uncle was trapped in stopped snow-bound traffic on the Mass Pike. All the people in the vehicles were eventually evacuated via snowmobile and told to leave theri cars. Later the cars were removed from the highway with

Smoking of anything is right out, as is getting in immediately after smoking. Take a few breaths first so you don't exhale the last of the cigarette into the car.

@kngbeavis002: If I recall correctly that era of GM cars didn't have anything to keep the tire from flinging water & salt all over the inside of the fender (ie no fender liner). The tire would fling that stuff around and it would get trapped between the fender and the top of the headlight bucket and start rust there.

@33rd°: Those are the Patriot Guard Riders. They exist specifically to oppose the Westboro dipshits.

@Jared904: Clarkson has sat in a separate chair since the beginning. The studio setup is exactly the same as it has been since the beginning (barring the season with silly old furniture after their first studio furniture was burned up in a barn fire)