Same here... a better PS3 controller would make this a whole lot closer. On the plus side, the new PS3 Batarang controller looks a lot closer to the Xbox controller. I think I'm going to get one and see if it makes any difference.
Same here... a better PS3 controller would make this a whole lot closer. On the plus side, the new PS3 Batarang controller looks a lot closer to the Xbox controller. I think I'm going to get one and see if it makes any difference.
Arkham City, all day every day until I hit at least 90%, and then off to Gears of War, all three games.
Well... I wouldn't say "fast food", you know? More like "mid-range chain restaurant" like Olive Garden or Applebee's. It's of decent quality for the price, better than some but not top-shelf, you know exactly what you're going to get, it isn't super-awesome or anything but it is fairly inoffensive and is filling if…
Yeah, I totally agree... and I'm a FAN! Unlike a lot of people, I enjoy and even look forward to new CoD games. I also prefer the Modern Warfare side of the franchise. On the other hand, I was much more excited about Batman: Arkham City, and I'm much more looking forward to the new Bioshock whenever it comes out.
I'd give it a 6.0 out of a 5.0+1.7.
Hey, if I give you my email address, will you send me a pizza roll signed by the girl in your basement/dungeon?
Well, I meant more of the 13-17 year olds whose parents might not appreciate the word "bitch" coming from the TV so many times in a relatively short stretch of game.
Yeah, it is pretty jarring. Especially the sheer volume of it, it comes off badly to my ears. I don't need that sort of language in my games, and with this franchise and its obvious crossover appeal to younger gamers you'd have thought that DC would have been more in control of the language.
Yeah, Joe Hill is like Stephen King with a ton more discipline and a ruthless efficiency when it comes to self-editing. And where King is a horror writer of a certain bulldozing style, Hill reminds me more of classic Ray Bradbury.
Probably, but do you want to wait that long?
If you suck Apple's dick any harder, Jobs is going to get suctioned out of his grave.
Obviously, the way to make Superman interesting is to force him to make choices. Since he's fundamentally good, you put him in situations where there's no easy answer, where he has to choose the greater good or the people he cares about. Something of that nature. Then you have to be clever and give him an out, so that…
Considering the lack of significant price increases in games over the last 5-6 years, along with the significant improvement in quality, it seems like we're all doing pretty well in this situation.
If it has an Apple logo on the back, is doesn't matter. People will buy it, and Gizmodo will make up excuses why whatever Apple does is not only acceptable, but automatically better than every other device on the market.
And it is just fine for an $8 game. I think I paid $12 for it, and it is still kind of OK at $12. Anything past $20 is a ripoff though.
Right on. I've got a Tissot that cost me around $750 and it is a hell of a nice watch.
Right, and clearly everyone's hands are exactly the same size, no one actually finds Android phones comfortable, and everything Apple has ever done is 110% perfect in every detail.
Don't forget 'cannon-cocker'