
Buncha lightweight goons. Back in my day, we fought for the omelet with ham MRE, because the 3 year old eggs proved that you were a man, dammit!

I've always felt like this show IS Law & Order: 2048. It isn't very sci-fi, as much as it is a standard procedural where science-fiction elements exist in the real world. Maybe that's not all that compelling, but then again the buddy cop chemistry is as good as has been on TV since Jerry Orbach passed on.

I have all the answers to your questions and concerns about a Wonder Woman movie. Unfortunately, my screenplay isn't finished yet, so you'll just have to wait and/or follow me on Twitter.

This show has so many cool places it can go, but it gets bogged down in its past way too often. Every time we get a "Men of Letters" episode and/or a Charlie one, the whole show lights up and blasts on all cylinders. Even the more recent "Cas is a human figuring stuff out" episodes have felt pretty strong to me. And

I'm pretty sure that Emily Rose was pregnant through part of the filming, and that the whole "Lexie the Barmaid" thing was a way to shoot her scenes away from the rest of the cast/crew. Worth it though, to get Colin Ferguson for a few episodes. I love that guy!

The person hosting should have a good idea of the prices and be prepared for them, and should help by steering the meal along, offering appetizers/dessert if they're up for paying for those. The person(s) being hosted should pay attention to cues, and not take too much advantage or be an obviously greedy pig. You

Wouldn't it be great if THAT was the big reveal? The Vurms sent the Ashpennys to soften the planet, and then the Vurms arrive as saviors and take over the planet without a fuss? Except they weren't counting on not-Sawyer and Lt. Dan to fight back!

Really? Or because all the upper end video cards can handle the max that the human eye can handle, so they created the artificial "3 monitor" standard in order to force people to spend more money on a sort of ridiculous product?

Yeah, but that goes to what I'm saying about the ability of your eye and mind to process. Three monitors instead of one larger one? Why? How close are you sitting?

I've got a limited edition Benchmade Presidio auto knife. Crazy illegal where I live, but what can you do?

... and I'm not judging anyone, just so we're clear. I've got a $250 pocketknife, my eyeglass frames cost the same amount, I've got a couple of watches that cost over $600 each. I'm cool with spending your money how you like. I'm just questioning the practicality, not the desire for the awesome.


Aren't we reaching a point where these cards are getting to be more powerful than they need to be except for highly technical professional use?

It would be a lie, but that seems to be sort of par for the course isn't it? Can we not pretend that the main purpose of The Pirate Bay is for indie bands to share music? Please, can we be just a little bit more honest?

Good news. The Pirate Bay is a criminal enterprise, and it and everyone linked to it should be fined and/or imprisoned.

That's how I haggle. I state my goal up-front, and then whatever conversation that happens can happen naturally, because the other person knows I'm not building up to anything. I've already laid out my case, and they can help me or not and we can interact in a better environment. If I say I only have X amount of

HTC Thunderbolt. Between me and my wife, we've owned a half-dozen Android phones. We had the original Droid, Droid X, Droid X2, Droid Charge, Droid Bionic, HTC Incredible, and the Thunderbolt. The T-bolt is the best combination of tech stats and interface I've seen. I had to give my T-bolt to my wife and get a new

It's just you... :)

My wife and I just call all the Wesen "sloopenschneusel" and "wienerschnitzel" and "fahrvergnügen" when we lose track.

Back in my Marine Corps days, there was a story going around that a cow had gotten loose from a local farmer's field and wandered onto Ft. Bragg, where it was promptly struck by a Hummer that was driving around where it wasn't supposed to be, surveying artillery targets for upcoming field exercises. Rather than deal