
The American people most likely paid for that umbrella and he tosses it away without a care in the world. He discards it as he does everything. He’s a user and it amazes me the people who claim to be fiscally conservative believe a single thing he says or does and follow him all the way down the steps of hell. Enjoy

I’ve seen this story play out before at different workplaces. A micro-manager thinks that no one is doing anything correctly, so they start doing everything themselves. Eventually, because no one else can do anything right, the micro-manager is overextended and misses deadlines. This causes everyone else’s work to

He was diagnosed with a 0% chance of surviving his brain cancer, and he didn’t resign because he knew he might linger long enough that he’d be replaced by an appointed Senator rather than an elected one.  If he’d resigned a few months ago, Arizona would be holding an election to fill his seat.  John McCain decided

A brief history of Americans (and proto-Americans) bemoaning new waves of immigrants besmirching the demographics of the United States:

I wish you were a lady, because by your logic, that rant would have been two to three paragraphs shorter.

You’re absolutely right about both what effective and immediate legislation would look like and that stocking the federal bench with 2A skeptics is important.

Then you would be failing to communicate what the input is, which is the point of notation.

Have fun with letter notation, I guess.

Could this replace a Magic Flight Launch Box? Looking for something a little less fiddly and easier for guests to master.

Could this replace a Magic Flight Launch Box? Looking for something a little less fiddly and easier for guests to

I remember last week when someone said, in reponse to me, that the PA State Senate wouldn’t appeal the issue to the SCOTUS. This guy’s actions vindicate my response then, which is that I wouldnt put it past the PA State Senate knowing thier history of shady shit. This whole thing is going to continue to be full of

Part the allure is that they’re doing this on-premises running off of their own power generator which has been running at excess capacity for years and years. This way Kodak gets to make more senae out of that excess power capacity and you get to mine at 4c per KWh.

I thought I read elsewhere that Kodak claimed they had underutilized capacity at their personal power plant in Rochester (because obviously their factory doesn’t make squat anymore).

This is why you go to a “touchless” car wash, which is just a fancy power washer and soap sprayed at many different angles.

So like ... can I have maternity leave? Affordable prenatal care? Any treatment for my battered lady-bits after birth? Help with childcare? (My parents live very, very far away and I really like what I do for a living.) Will my daughters be able to get jobs where they won’t be harassed by their employers, or is their

Here’s another thing that happened. The Pacific Ocean warmed another degree after this burn.

The White House is now saying otherwise:

Funny story - I actually know this guy personally. I went to high school with him. I remember him riding up and down the main street that our high school was on, wheelieing (sp?) freely up and down the street on his mom’s hybrid (the flat-bar bicycle kind, not electric kind).

Plus he’s been stealing all the cans of soup that have been donated to the emergency shelters.

I remember years ago when Hunter S Thompson was fighting a trumped-up sexual assault charge, which the local cops used to search Owl Farm and confiscate his guns. The Guardian ran a piece by Ralph Steadman, in which he called for fans to help cover HSTs legal bills. His one big point; “make sure all cheques are made