This. Can’t wait until manufacturers overreact and we are swamped in well-built economy cars and compact pickups with no unwanted features in six years’ time.
This. Can’t wait until manufacturers overreact and we are swamped in well-built economy cars and compact pickups with no unwanted features in six years’ time.
A public employee being paid for 15 months of vacation after murdering a child, when his entire job is to enforce said laws, is a whole lot more relevant than some random accountant doing something atrocious.
I said that handguns were banned, which in effect they are. There are some small exceptions for muzzle-loading black-powder pistols used for the killing of injured animals by trained animal welfare officers, and for some antique weapons, but for all normal intents and purposes it’s a total ban. Even our Olympic pistol…
Today’s Politico thinkpiece “Waiting on Obama” focuses on the idea that former President Obama might also be mucking about having a good long think in a cave before emerging to save the 2020 election.
To piggy back off of your comment, i have been throwing this around, even getting promoted by staff.
Like every other American, I tell them the tallest height I think they’ll believe.
Ha! This post good! I save your reply this post!
This is speculation, but DA Rollins has a do not prosecute list of 15 charges that include disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace, and resisting arrest if it’s related to other charges on that list, and this is pushback from the judge for that policy, which then got support from the police union. Also, the judge…
“but they spend half their time trying to line up their next project.”
This obsession with Hilary is the longest Trump has ever been faithful to one woman.
Just give a warning shout loud down the track - the members of Funkadelic and George Clinton will magically levitate out of the way and onto the train safely. And if you need it (you probably do) Clinton will help you steer away from any further potential collisions/philosophy problems.
OMG FFS bringing up that the Democrats were the confederate party back then is so stupid BECAUSE YOU REPUBLICANS ARE THE CONFEDERATE PARTY NOW!
Hell, they’ll call small-d democracy Socialism at this point, quite literally. Ladies and gentlemen, to demonstrate my point, I give you the Senate Majority Leader, just last night, on Laura Ingraham’s show:
Frank looks like he could stand to take the stairs more often.
It’s insanely disturbing and also a bafflement that everyone, even the actual media, seems to have forgotten that unilaterally imposing tariffs without approval from Congress is an emergency act. The law is, it’s supposed to be an an actual emergency, and one in which the president doesn’t even have time to consult…
You also forget that a Tesla does not have an engine under the front hood, that is one or two more passengers right there.
isnt that pretty much exactly what they did in ww2 too?
Well, if they’re worried about people throwing rocks, maybe it’s best they didn’t send Marines. A group of bored Marines inevitably leads to Marines throwing rocks at each other to pass the time.