Here’s what I took away from this article:
Here’s what I took away from this article:
I would like Buffalo, NY to replace the statue of Millard Fillmore outside City Hall (as posted previously, signer of the Fugitive Slave Act, candidate for the Know Nothing Party) with Florence Finch. (
Fearless Girl was an ad bought by a corporation. The Wall Street Bull was a commentary about how dangerous capitalism can be. The Bull was built on spec and the artist wanted to sell a bunch of them.
Never forget that Trump criminally abused undocumented workers in this instance of barbarism.
Meanwhile on Fox News....
Mom!!! Somebody broke my participation trophy!
In assessing the rationality and credibility of this person, well...
Reince should txt him to say, “Congratulations, I’ll pray for your child.”
From the WaPo regarding donations from the Trump foundation: “Its smallest-ever gift, for $7, was paid to the Boy Scouts in 1989, at a time when it cost $7 to register a new Scout. Trump’s oldest son was 11 at the time. Trump did not respond to a question about whether the money was paid to register him”.
To be fair, I wouldn’t want to call out Rand Paul in a duel, he seems like the kind of guy who might have gotten dueling pistols as a coming of age gift from his father.
Blake Farenthold, Blake Farenthold, boy that name does sound familiar ... oh, wait!
Subaru kind of demands a little archaeology. If you want a used Subaru, there are certain generations that bear the Curse of The Mummy, while others promise neverending visits of love and kindness from the Mobility Fairy - along with frequent oil purchases.
I’m pretty sure I have these games down to a science. Here’s how to get the most enjoyment out of them.
He also thinks Akie Abe doesn’t speak English.
Jokes on them. Floyd doesn’t know what the shirt says.
I know his theme song.
Since wearing gloves while distributing food is apparently now racist, was Twitter equally quick to drag this racist?
I’m not getting tired of watching it.
Looks like the scores didn’t have a zero in the 1's spot. Looking at the high scores list, the same discrepancy is repeated as the scores increase.