
I work in UXO remediation, which has a vaguely similar structure. The only people who are actually full time are the management and me, as a geologist. All the UXO techs are there for that project and usually nothing more. They love their OT and they love bankietheir per diem while they stay in the cheapest motel they

The best part is that, as an average middle-class American, this is not exactly "news I can use." I started a new job back in February after about eight months unemployment (Yay!). I've got some credit card debt from the jobless period (boo), and a few bucks in my 401k. The only active decision I can make is to not

People like their employer-subsidized insurance only because they know the alternative right now is to go bankrupt because you fell and sprained your wrist.

Monorails have their uses in very specific settings. They also have a lot of limitations.

The ridiculous part is their belief that it's all a well hidden deep state that only a secret genius like Trump can uncover. In reality, all the crimes and favors and mutual hand jobs are right out in the open because they know there's fuck all we can usually do about it and people have short attention spans. 

Today I learned that Ted Cruz is still wearing his ridiculous beard.

Trump backs down all the time. He just always claims that his first position was a “joke” and we were all too dumb to realize it and this new position is the one he really held all along.

Are all businesses doing this sort of thing these days? Monitoring mid-level news sites and blogs and twitter anytime someone might mention them in the hopes of connecting with their customers and creating Positive Buzz(tm)?

On the bright side, Gorsuch has taken some opportunities to not be a total shitbag.

Just over 3GB.

The other front that is a longshot but shouldn’t be ignored is statehood/representation for DC, Puerto Rico, and other territories. The fact that most of those people would lean blue is exactly why Republicans don’t want it to happen, but it’s a fight worth having.

The low that day was 55F and the high was 63F. Not frigid, but not unreasonable for a coat. The thing about Melania is that she is physically incapable of wearing jackets. You can find dozens of photos and articles describing her wearing perfectly good jackets like they were capes because she can’t work sleeves.

Don’t put too much faith in demographic shifts ending xenophobia, racism, and class warfare. It’s easy to imagine white nationalists expanding their tent just enough to include the foreigners that agree with them while still looking down on everyone else. Marco Rubio is the perfect example of this. Most Cuban

Nothing against Jimmy Smits, but every time I hear he’s in something I get confused because I was certain he died at least ten years ago. Then I forget about what he’s doing because I don’t care and the cycle repeats.

It’s concealing the secret message: Gis Ocalm.

It’s only welfare when it goes to people with brown skin. If you’re white enough, it’s “boostrap funds.”

I spent half this article assuming that a local reporter got super stoned on live TV and was looking forward to watching it. Then I read that he just wore goggles. I want my money back, Martin.

I’m concerned about prisoners being able to get unbiased information in order to make electoral decisions. Do they get newspapers? Can they watch the TV stations of their choice, or does the warden pick Fox News and leave it there? I’m also concerned about guards, prison staff, and other prisoners coercing them. Just

Also, did the president just say that the United States is taking hostages?