
Easy: HamNo 2020. We still have to figure out a VP candidate. Maybe Magary. He's got that TV charisma down. 

George Soros paid off the transient whose kidney is keeping me alive, not to mention the doctor who was willing to do the surgery in a motel room (I paid for the motel room myself).

The Amazon spectacle was especially ridiculous because of all the cities competing that never had a chance. Amazon said they could go anywhere, and every local government believed them and did stupid things and made stupid offers, when it was obvious the entire time that there were maybe half a dozen legitimate

I love that the next guy up the stairs is carrying a big stack of newspapers and not making any move to protect them, so clearly it’s not even raining. Trump didn’t need the umbrella in the first place, but he still carried it up there and discarded it for someone else to clean up.

Republicans have pushed their agenda based on fear for decades. They tell their voters to be afraid of the government taking their money and guns and land. Be afraid of the minorities committing rampant crimes. Be afraid of the child molesters in the bathroom. Its not a very big step to include the general population

The argument by conservatives that it’s just normal boy stuff is a waste of their breath. Kavanaugh is saying (just like with the confidential email stuff) that it never happened at all. If he confronted it honestly and said, “This is something I did as a drunk child,” and tried to be very, very sorry, conservatives

I especially like the bit where the other attempted rapist wrote a whole memoir about being an alcoholic in high school and mentions his drunk buddy “Bart O’Kavanaugh.”

Does this clown actually have children? I’m leaning towards no, but if so, somebody definitely needs to have child protective services drop by his house to check on things.

It’s cute how you think the fact that you don't have drugs means CBP won't find drugs. 

Our baby just hit the three-month mark, my wife went back to work last week, and I’ve been unemployed for more than six months and still searching hard for a new job.

So if a Catholic were sentenced to death in the US and claimed it would be a violation of his deeply held religious beliefs, would Jefferson Beauregard's head explode? 

So is everyone just taking the buyouts and starting their own cat blogs or are there legitimate news sites with management smarter than a bag of hammers hiring them? 

I hope it has the same amount of concussions per episode! It’s over the top and ridiculous and people get knocked unconscious every five minutes, but we enjoyed it.

Pretty much. I’m doing 1-3 days/wk at a brewery right now while I look for a new job in my actual field. It’s minimum wage (which is better where I am than most places, but still not $15) and free beer, but very unreliable.

I have vague memories of seeing that around the time it aired. Am I wrong, or were the first couple of episodes a scene by scene retread of the movie, but mostly in daytime?

Actually, there’s a lot of work being done to study the efficacy of opiates right now. They work fine for short term applications, but for long term pain management people build up a resistance and begin gaining very little benefit from very high doses that coincidentally make lots of money for drug companies.

If you’re putting all your weight on your ass, you’re going to hurt your ass and you’re going to hurt your horse. Most of your weight should be down in the stirrups or in your thighs, gripping the saddle.

It’s a game of its time. When the original came out, it was fantastic. These days, there are some issues with game play and design that make it feel weaker than other great games of its era (Super Metroid or Link to the Past, for example). The remake doesn’t do anything to address these flaws and adds a lot of

I thought he would’ve installed escalators by now.

I haven’t used this one, but I tried upgrading from a MFLB to a Firefly 2 and couldn’t get more than the faintest wisps out of it.

I haven’t used this one, but I tried upgrading from a MFLB to a Firefly 2 and couldn’t get more than the faintest