
Let me know when there’s a portable vaporizer that can handle ground herbs better than my six year old MFLB. I tried a Firefly 2 and even at maximum temp I could barely get anything out of it.

Let me know when there’s a portable vaporizer that can handle ground herbs better than my six year old MFLB. I tried

As a reminder, the argument that PA Republicans are using in their appeal to SCOTUS is that the US constitution grants redistricting powers exclusively to state legislatures and that no judiciary, governor, or citizen ballot initiative can review or override their decision. The only way to overcome a grossly partisan

The decision was based on the PA constitution, but the PA Republicans appealed based on the argument that the US constitution grants redistricting powers exclusively to state legislatures. It’s a ridiculous long shot, because it explicitly contravenes settled case law and would mean that no judiciary anywhere is ever

No, it’s definitely a french cuffed shirt. If you look close you can see weird creases where it should be folded. Besides, I’ve never seen a shirt without french cuffs that actually had holes on both sides to fit cufflinks.

Because this way they get to make money selling you the rig and then make money on the bitcoin, too.

I’ve also driven some work trucks with aftermarket boxes and filler necks. Something about the filler neck made the auto-shutoff trigger immediately unless you either pumped so slow that it took half an hour to fill or flipped it upside down.

It depends on what you consider “fun.” If you want to do some deep-space exploration, you can get into that pretty quickly. If you want to do PVE dogfighting, there’s ships that are both fun and effective but don’t take ages to earn.

My wife and I are pregnant. We don’t want to tell people the baby’s name yet, so when they ask we tell them what we thought would be the worst name ever: Donald.

Also, what’s with Trump being TBA? The dates are all of public accusations, not consequences. Trump has been reliably accused for years with no ill effects. Putting his actual date on there would just be depressing.

On the left we have Loki, our husky/ACD/mutt, and on the right is our current foster Aussie, Uma. She’s adoptable!

But then I’d have to actually learn people’s real names. I’ve been skating with some folks for years and I still get confused when I see a legal name I don’t recognize in my facebook feed.

I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure the ruby with her gem in the eye socket was never able to close that eye. The fact that Hessonite can close her eye makes it less likely that it’s a second gem.

Elite is fun, but its space battles are not realistic. Every ship has an artificial speed limit, even with flight assist off.

Thanks. I ended up giving it a try, since $30 on Steam seems pretty reasonable. My first impressions are that it’s gorgeous and that flying feels really, really satisfying. Like I said, I’ve been playing NMS again lately, and that feels like a Fisher Price game compared to this. Mouse control is frustrating, so I went

So is Elite a game I should actually try or is it more like Eve in that it’s more interesting to just read about? I have little interest in joining any massive guilds or having an online job, I just want something fun and interesting. I’ve been trying NMS again lately, and it’s got a lot more than it launched with,

Except you don’t even have to leave the country. This checkpoint is well inside the border. Just driving from some parts of Texas to other parts necessitates going through checkpoints.

This is Joel Osteen’s house. I’m sure his tax exempt charities are really efficient at getting all that donated money directly to the people who need it most and he won’t keep a dime of it. And if you believe that, I’ve got a charity of my own you can donate to.

Part of the problem with that is we’re used to looking at ourselves reversed in the mirror, and photos and videos look strange because they’re not. A tip I read for doing touch-ups on photos of yourself is to mirror the image while you work on it, then flip it back before you share it.

Being a fat white dude wearing a trucker hat was enough to convince them he was one of them.