
This would be great if it worked the way it was intended. The few times I’ve tried bothering with these and leaving the flap in, the automatic flush sensor invariably decides to flush just as I’ve finished putting the paper down but before I can sit, dragging the unused cover down the drain.

These are the workers that he housed in the building they were demolishing, right?

A piece of history lacking from most of the confederate memorial statues across the country is that they were erected specifically as a fuck you to African Americans.

It depends a lot on what the hackers assume. If they know your password is made up of dictionary words, they have a leg up. If they don’t know if your password is several words or just p@zzwerd, they have to include all the possibilities. If you throw a single symbol in there, like “correcthorsebatt!erystaple,” they

Have you ever been at a hospital and tried to find out how much a procedure will cost? It’s ridiculous. Most of the time nobody has any idea, and the rest of the time they will actively refuse to tell you. That’s not even taking into account the effort of figuring how much of a given procedure will be covered by your

Yeah, my wife and I tried a new to us and well-reviewed diner recently. We both ordered different kinds of eggs benedict. Each of us got one egg poached easy-to-medium and one egg poached hard as hell.

I haven’t seen any semi-modern type 2s for sale, so I can’t truly compare, but for a classic in good running order it would be a steal.

It’s a mixed bag. As far as the national organization goes, the Mormon church has managed to exert a lot of influence and is the driving force behind all the homophobic policies that they’re just finally emerging from.

Can someone explain to me what Tom Price was doing there? What possible reason could the HHS Secretary have for being there and the Energy Secretary?

Also, pajama parties:

He probably has a map that puts Alaska and Hawaii in little boxes off to the side and thinks that’s where they actually are, surrounded by prototypes of Trump’s wall.

That’s a shame. Driving across the desert sounds fun, but I’d also love to try and cruise a truck through LA or down the strip in Vegas.

Conan, what is best in life?!

Apprently it’s 1:20 scale:

Sure there is. Just go to the settings and turn of bubbles or chat heads or whatever they’re calling it these days.

If a person is a person of faith and they want a Judeo-Christian perspective on issues relevant to that audience, they’re not going to find it in the pages of Teen Vogue or Seventeen.

I was doing some work in Guam on the Navy base there. Sitting in the parking lot at the gate one day, I saw a guy laboriously scraping the tint off his side windows.

We made our own tonic at home a while back and it was amazing. Better even than any of the small batch stuff I’ve come across.

It’s his liver. That particular image is an Onion shop job.

I’m getting ready to put together a Raspberry Pi gaming console, and I’d heard good things about the Buffalo SNES-style pads. They’re cheaper and wired, but has anybody used both them and 8Bitdo’s? Does either one feel or function particularly better?