I would heel-toe in my old VW, but not to rev match. I had to do it to keep the car from stalling every time I hit the brakes because I badly needed to fix the timing and ignition gap.
I would heel-toe in my old VW, but not to rev match. I had to do it to keep the car from stalling every time I hit the brakes because I badly needed to fix the timing and ignition gap.
I’m trying to decide if they’re just complete and utter douchebags or if they’re just slightly douchey and their accents are making it seem worse.
I live in Charlottesville, just outside Monticello. There’s a huge Thomas Jefferson fandom around that, and $2 bills are actually fairly common around here. My favorite local taco place does $2 tacos on Tuesday if you pay with a $2 bill (they give them as change the rest of the week).
My girlfriend doesn’t use a top sheet. I moved in with her, and it was a difficult adjustment and a fight I knew I couldn’t win.
Heck, switching between running and walking is interval training, which has been shown to be a more effective workout than just straight running for the entire time.
My girlfriend and I had a disagreement last night over polar bear cubs. Are they cute and cuddly or are they born merciless killing machines? I publicly posted a gif of a cute polar bear cub to her Facebook today.
I wonder if they changed the desert puzzle.
Maybe not big-budget movies, but there’s some stuff on TV that’s carrying that torch. Adventure Time, for instance, is weird as hell and not afraid to go dark every once in a while.
Quantum entanglement is a thing. Using quantum entanglement and other phenomena for secure communication is a thing. Using quantum entanglement for faster than light communication is impossible, and none of those articles says otherwise.
Except it’s complete bullshit. There’s no known or even theorized way to “change the state” of a particle. What quantum entanglement really means is that you have two entangled particles with a property called “spin” that can be either up or down. Up until the point that you actually measure it, the spin of a particle…
This is Out#, as they call it. The entire concept of the show is that it’s one man and four women. Apparently it’s supposed to be wacky or hilarious or something that there’s more women than men speaking on TV.
Ben Carson is a pathological liar. That has been abundantly clear for some time now, so I think it’s time to take a closer look at some of the things we assume to be true about him.
Utah! The state is absolutely gorgeous, though. Go for the national parks, then go to Colorado to get your drink on.
I travel all over the country for work, and I have a hard time keeping track of local liquor laws. There’s places where you can get any liquor in grocery stores, places where you can get beer and wine in grocery stores, places where you can’t even get beer except in special beer stores, places where you can’t get…
It looks like they’re only available for in-store pickup. So you still have to drive to the store and pick it up. It’s not like Amazon’s drones are going to start carrying around AR-15s, although they probably ought to carry them for self defense regardless. I mean, just think about all the air pirates just waiting to…
I assume their thinking is that they don’t want to start a precedent of employees digging through all of the store’s trash looking for cans and bottles to recycle. I can kind of sort of see that making sense, but firing someone over it (especially an ex-convict with very limited job opportunities) is the straight-up…
It’s not official proper English, but many English speakers will use “they” or “their” as a singular subject when the gender of the party is unknown. Since Kotaku doesn’t know if 7iger is male or female, they can’t say “his” or “hers,” and “its” sounds really weird when talking about people.
The first time I saw Dogmeat in footage for Fallout 4, I knew I wanted to be able to reskin him to match my dog. Loki’s a Husky/Australian Shepherd mix with a very similar build to the in-game dog, so I wouldn’t even need to mess with the model. The last time I did any game skinning was Quake (the original), so it…