Maybe that’s where it all began. Someone told him that if he could get in, it would be free, and he thought they were talking about him specifically, because he’s as delusional and egotistical as any of the Republican candidates.
Maybe that’s where it all began. Someone told him that if he could get in, it would be free, and he thought they were talking about him specifically, because he’s as delusional and egotistical as any of the Republican candidates.
I went for a very long time without using an ad blocker because I wanted to reward content creators. Then (a couple years ago, maybe?) Gawker sites, which I spend a lot of time on, started serving ads that were so poorly coded that they would bring my very capable computer to a crawl, making not just that site but…
I’ve worked with lots of guys who live out of RVs or fifth wheels for months at a time. It’s not that weird in an industry where you travel from site to site.
That’s King Curtis, from an episode of Wife Swap.
My ‘71 Squareback caught on fire the other day. Just sitting there parked and off, and it looks like the voltage regulator managed to short something out and start a fire.
Mine expired in August and I still haven’t gotten it reinspected. The thing that really bugs me is the rules about not being able to register my ‘71 VW as an antique (and thus exempt) because it’s my only car.
Hey, I have that exact blender! It’s terrible for making smoothies. Far too small and weak to handle anything remotely solid like ice cubes or frozen fruit.
I’m a geophysicist that goes around cleaning up after the military (UXO detection). I’ve had to spend a six month stint in Kuwait, 2 months in a dying town in Kansas, 18 months in Alabama, and even a short project in a dry county in Arkansas. Nobody ever throws me a parade.
And when you need to leave but they still want power? Your friends will immediately turn into bloodthirsty savages, ripping each other to shreds for the right to the single outlet remaining. You get to watch, laughing as you walk away with your terrible weapon of copper and plastic.
If you’re thinking about replacing your toilet, check with your city/county/water provider. My city offers a $100 rebate if you’re upgrading from an older toilet to an efficient one.
Forgive my ignorance, but what is reining? Judging by the clothes, I doubt they ride the horses (although I would be impressed if she could ride in that dress), so is it competitive walking-alongside-horses?
There are no vaccines for uh, allergies or colitis. That’s not a thing, Bill.
So this is for Sony’s next Spider-Man movie, but the article makes it sound like Marvel was closely involved. Are they actually going to make the Spider-Man movie part of the MCU, or is this going to be separate from Marvel using him?
My best guess at their logic is this: The state has tried to redefine marriage, so they now believe that they need to no longer have a state-sanctioned marriage. They’ll probably consider themselves married in the eyes of God, but not in the eyes of the state.
I’ve got one, and it’s great. The options and settings have some engrish and certain settings are useless (for some reason you can set the still camera to resolutions much higher than the sensor supports), but once you get a handle on that it’s pretty easy to use.
Note that you can only do this if you provide your own vintage license plates. In VA, this means they have to bear the same date as the model year of your car. They’re not that hard to find, at least. Ebay has plenty of appropriate plates for my ‘71 for $20. Good condition, low-numbered plates cost more. Most of the…