
It’s a lot easier to keep clean.

This is exactly what annoys me most about mainstream conservatives these days. They’re not saying, “Vote for Rand Paul,” or “Vote for Ted Cruz,” they’re simply against Clinton.

I actually kind of like the idea of it. My daily driver is a ‘71 VW Squareback and my girlfriend has a recent Golf, so this would make a nice alternate DD for me. Except the current model is still $14k and only does 34/38 mpg. Maybe I’ve got high expectations, but I feel like a pared-down two seater should cost less

I used to frequent a bar that a friend of mine worked at, and it was a nice, cozy place as long as the owner wasn't there (he was usually at his other establishment a block away). When he was there, it was miserable.

It's not just living together that causes people to not need all the traditional gifts, it's the general delaying of marriage.

My understanding is this: A medical abortion is a course of two different drugs. If, after a woman takes the first drug, she has a change of heart, the doctor mentioned in the article claims that progesterone will prevent the abortion.

You'll want to pay closer attention to the weather, too. After a good rain, some trails may become so muddy and slick that no shoe can keep you stable, and you might need to try a different route or even stick to the roads that day.

His claim is that the first suit was decided in ACA's favor because the constitution is too flexible and open to interpretation. He believes he'll win this one because it has nothing to do with the constitution, but with a technicality in the ACA itself, and that modern laws must be interpreted much more strictly than

That's actually one of the strangest things about driving a car like this: the other people.

I've daily driven a 1971 VW Squareback for the last two years. It's the only car I own.

Chickens take very little effort to take care of. You can set up a feeder and waterer that easily goes a week or more before needing to be refilled. Bedding should usually be changed every week or two, depending on how you're set up. The only thing they need more frequently (assuming they've got a run of some sort

One tip: If you've got a garage or semi-outdoor space, put your slow cooker out there. Otherwise your entire house will smell of onions by the time this is done.

Most studies like these will try very hard to control for things like education, affluence, and other related factors. The authors aren't going to publish and go through reviews with something as simple as that glaring them in the face.

They've still got advertisers. Lots of print magazines these days seem to have two or three pages of ads for every page of content.

It looks like the Washington Generals practicing against themselves.

Nice. My registrar got bought by sometime last year, and last month I had to go through hell when it expired with no notifications and I had to call up, read someone my password, and go through all sorts of hoops to make a payment. Then it took several more calls over the course of a week to figure out why I

That's like saying, "airplanes don't actually work, they crash all the time!"

Lawmakers are just looking at this from a different angle. Abstinence only sex-ed leads to more pregnancies which leads to more taxpayers!

When I bought my '71 Squareback a few years ago, the odometer did not work. Speedometer did, but odometer didn't register anything. I managed to repair it myself, but in doing so jumbled up the numbers. Not that it mattered, because I had no idea how long it had been nonfunctional for before I bought it.

Finding a new social circle is scary as hell, but once it works out it's very rewarding.