
Cafe Cubano at 7? Somebody's getting lousy cuban coffee. Anywhere in Miami, you're a block away from a little window that will sell you a cup of sugar with a shot of espresso in it for 50 cents. Or you get a colada, which is a styrofoam cup of the sweet, black nectar and a stack of tiny plastic thimbles that you take

The biggest problem I see is that it really only works with small villages and limited mobility.

My car's odometer only has 5 digits. When I bought it, the odometer was stuck at around 48,000 and was not advancing at all. I have no idea how long this had been the case. I fixed it, but in doing so spun the wheels at random to something like 93,000. It's ticked over to 0 and a couple thousand more since.

I might be biased because I drive it every day, but I'm gonna go with a VW Squareback:

This is also her (the bald one) at a sexy zombie jello wrestling event three years ago. Seems like a good fit.

It's curious that they stuck with carbs on this one. German Type IIIs went to electronic fuel injection in 1968, so the tech was definitely ready before this went into production.

Sometimes they've got a character who's a smarmy asshole the viewers are supposed to want to punch in the face. They can either hire a really good actor or just get Jason Biggs.

My femShep and Liara were a great couple, but Garrus was always my best friend. The time where we hung out in the rafters of the Citadel and just talked and shot at shit nearly brought me to tears.

It's not quite a Porsche, but my '71 Squareback is rear-engined and air cooled just like an old Porsche. Two more cylinders and it would be the exact same thing (shut up and let me lie to myself).

Be careful how you're interpreting these numbers: They don't in and of themselves state that more Pinterest users are Republican than Democrat.

Maybe it's just me, but stifling, arbitrary rules and having to live around a bunch of douchebags would make me less likely to buy a house in that neighborhood. Bring on the trucks, please.

Nope. I drive a '71 Square, and adore it, but there's no way this thing is worth $8,500. The engine just plain doesn't fit into the engine compartment and the lid they've built looks like crap. I'd expect to die of CO poisoning if I drove it on a cold day, despite what the ad says. The front seats don't match, and the

My daily driver agrees, orange is as good as it gets.

Ten seconds. The train takes ten freaking seconds to pass by. Add maybe another ten to wait for the barriers, and you've still lost less time than it takes to watch a single stupid commercial. Pedestrians and drivers alike need to learn just the tiniest amount of patience.

Back in Miami, there were several cab services that each had a different phone number like that. I think anything but 0, 1, and 5 you could hit 7 times and get a cab.

Counterpoint: Parks and Rec.

Yakety Sax. The song is called Yakety Sax, not Benny Hill. It happened to be the theme song to The Benny Hill Show.

A surprising number. I had an international connection through Tokyo Narita, a major hub, and our flight was delayed slightly. If they couldn't get us all on board by some absurd time (11 PM, I think), they were going to have to cancel the flight and get us to a hotel instead. Fortunately, we managed to get out in