Looks like they updated something and now it's compatible.
Looks like they updated something and now it's compatible.
The Play store is telling me it's incompatible with my Galaxy S3 and only works on a Galaxy Note? I don't know if this is because I'm traveling in the middle east at the moment or if it's just all screwed up.
Re: Parallel Universes
You mean this? http://io9.com/5964908/this-periodic-table-shows-each-elements-relative-abundance-on-earth
I bought a print of one of the C&H sunday strips from gocomics.com a year or so ago. The prints are very nice quality, and it looks gorgeous framed on my wall, but they initially sent me the wrong one. Apparently there is (or was, maybe they've fixed it) some mismatch in the dates of the archive they use on the…
The results link to both the official archive on gocomics.com and to the compilations that contain each strip at Amazon. You can't even see the comics in the results without following the links.
You'll be able to tell. If his hands are rough, you're safe. If they're baby soft, he's been giving himself golden hand showers.
Can the new Fires use the regular Play store, or are they still restricted to Amazon's app store?
I saw one article that said they're committed to keeping it free and may have arrangements with sponsors like ZipCar.
For some reason I want to hear some of the dark guys say, "Bless your heart."
Here's some useful links:
It's a latitude thing. From the equator up to about 30 degrees, winds tend to blow from the east. Between 30 and 60 they tend to blow from the west. The latter is why we have the jet stream and how most weather systems in the United States come from west to east, but the former is why we have hurricanes blow in from…
The problem with peeing with morning wood is that I'm still so damned groggy I can't focus enough to think through how to solve the problem. So I just luck into whatever position I can manage to come up with at the time.
Afraid or excited? Because I'm definitely leaning toward the latter.
It could be a rights issue. The Oz stuff itself is out of copyright (I assume? Either that or getting rights must be easy given all the versions), but the names used in those novels could be counted as original content and have their own rights controlled by Maguire.
I still don't understand why Apple disconnected power over Firewire. I've still got one or two old school docks floating around that provided power over Firewire, not USB. They'll play from, but not charge any iPod made in the last few years.
The best way to grab basic cables (probably not things like ethernet and hdmi where quality matters a little more) is one of those bulk sites out of Hong Kong. I got a retractable USB cable like this, but has a little box at the end that has mini-USB on one side, micro on another, and Apple's old connecter on the…
Will it understand what I mean when I order a "scotch, neat?" Because that would put it one up on a crap-ton of terrible bartenders I've met over the years.
Most pickpockets are opportunists. They're going to go for the easiest target, and if things look difficult they're going to back down and move on. (There are exceptions, but these are called muggers, not pickpockets)
The problem for me was that nearly every character made me hate them. The captain was ok, but apart from that, everybody made such shockingly stupid decisions that I couldn't care less what happened to them.