Does this version include any characters that aren't complete morons?
Does this version include any characters that aren't complete morons?
You're comparing apples to oranges here. Sure, 75dB is a toilet flush. Sure, 60dB is a normal conversation.
Like most techniques for spotting lies, this is only useful as a vague guideline, and depends a lot on the person telling the story.
The problem arises if it's big just for the sake of being big. Also, the setting makes a huge difference. Look at RDR: It was huge and sprawling, but a lot of that space was empty except for some wildlife and the odd random encounter. For that game, it was fine. It was the old west, and there was a hell of a lot of…
I'll put my money on this being just a code name. At most, maybe it's a vaguely Tesla-esque character who is not actually Tesla.
In the US, the vast majority of blood donations are unpaid. You'll get some snacks and something to drink, maybe a t-shirt. My local blood bank also does a rewards program where accumulate points you can redeem for things like lunch coolers, umbrellas, and lawn chairs.
Except there's plenty of overheight trucks that need to be able to get right up to the bridge, then turn to make local deliveries. The only reasonable place to put an excluding barrier like that is about three feet from the bridge.
My biggest hope is that it's not just WoW with a new setting and graphics engine. I played it for years, but I've had all I need of that playstyle for a long time. I want something new, not just "hit this series of attacks and don't stand in the fire."
I guess it's great if you're using Apple's terrible earbuds, but my Shures have a much thicker cable. I've also got several other pairs of earbuds/headphones I use, and many of those have two side-by-side cables the entire length which are each thinner than what fits here.
There's a large number of things that can be considered "trolling," and some of them are legal while others are not (and many of these laws may apply at the state, not federal level).
You're right in that people cannot infringe your free speech by threatening physical injury or death, but that's because it's illegal to (seriously) threaten physical injury or death. Period.
So does this work with existing NFC-capable phones (like my Galaxy SIII) or is there a new hardware requirement for it to utilize these secure SIM cards?
There are radioactive sources (radon gas, various radioactive dusts, etc) that can contaminate substances or areas in such a way that things need to be cleaned before they can be utilized.
Everyone's already infected. That's why they turn when they die. Hell, just look at how covered in blood anybody is after a single fight. There's no way they haven't breathed or swallowed a pint of zombie goo by now.
It looks like they don't fit old housings, but according to their website each of them comes with a 60m waterproof housing.
You mean real people wouldn't throw a whiny sulk upon discovering the first real evidence of aliens in the universe because they couldn't sit down and have coffee with them?
Kim Stanley Robinson's Mars series (starting with Red Mars) is great. It does spend a lot of time on speculative sociology, but if you're into that it's fantastic.
We haven't had dozens of MMOs, we've had dozens of WoW clones. The concept art here features a lot in the way of ships, so they could easily be going for more of a space-based strategic fighter sort of thing.
This is only for certain purchases from certain publishers, though. It's probably limited to many of those ebooks that are around $15. I doubt we'll be getting much of a refund, if any, on books that were priced under $10.
Mark who? Everyone knows the real voice of Commander Shepard is Jennifer Hale.