
As for locking it from the inside: In the Dalek's eyes (or eyestalks), the Asylum exists more to protect and preserve the beautiful hatred of the insane Daleks than it does to protect the universe from those Daleks. They didn't want anybody getting in to mess with them. It's only now that they're realizing how bad it

The squirt gun flamethrower is a bad idea, just not for the reasons you state.

How much better is Apple? They came out with the iPad, then the iPad 2, then the iPad.

I'm a big fan of this invention by author Warren Ellis:

Are they ever going to revisit the DX? I still use one of the originals every day for reading. I love e-ink, I just don't like the 6" screens on the regular Kindles.

I'm not a big fan of buying something where every photo on the website is poorly photoshopped. They couldn't actually stick one of these under a table and take a picture?

Recorded media is a huge game-changer for linguistic evolution.

I was definitely enjoying it, but then he looks up and stares directly at the camera, and I'm instantly thinking, "Crap, did I do something wrong? Am I in trouble? Can I escape Rickman's wrath?"

They may be doing it for comedic effect. Hearing a blaring beep rather than "fuck" can be amusing, but if they censored all the language it'd probably just get annoying how many beeps there were.

If your door is anywhere near a window (including the skinny one in that nauseating video), and you don't have locks that require a key on both sides, you've only yourself to blame when someone does that.

It appears that with access to one lock within a facility, you can create a master key for the entire hotel (unless they've divided their locks into separate groups, which would mean housekeeping needs different keys for different wings or floors).

Robinson's stuff takes a certain mindset. It's definitely hard sci-fi, and he spends as much time (if not more) covering speculative sociology and psychology as he does plot development. Personally, I absolutely love it, but every once in a while I'm happy to put it down and switch to a good old-fashioned space opera.

There's at least one reference to events from the Mars trilogy (Peter floating in space), but there's also references to the terraforming of Mars that directly contradict the Mars trilogy. So it's a variation on a theme. Apart from that one passing reference, there's certainly no actual characters that carry over.

The only Varley I've read is the Gaea trilogy. While I enjoyed it, I have to say it was a little... odd. I suppose I can see some parallels between Varley and Robinson (it's been a long, long time since I've read Niven), but only vaguely. Robinson seems to be mostly focused on hard sci-fi and speculative sociology.

About half of the first page of results for my photo were of asian people, both male and female (I'm a white male), and one of them is a young woman giving a blow job.

Google Wallet also has the disadvantage of being vetoed by certain providers. AT&T won't allow my Galaxy S3 to run it, but GS3s on some other networks can use it just fine.

It depends on your provider, actually. My GS3 is on AT&T, so I can't use Google Wallet yet. I might be able to if I rooted, but I'm lazy.

The best of the guys here seem to have managed the sort of gravitas that makes you think they really want to kill all kinds of people. Except for maybe one, none of the women really manage that.

Tagging is how we understand what's going on with populations. Without it we wouldn't have any data on sudden declines due to disease or invasive predators. We wouldn't know what ranges wild animals require to be healthy. We wouldn't know when people started poaching certain populations. Heck, we wouldn't even know

Having a great sense of style is much more important than being technically advanced, although it doesn't hurt to have style and be advanced.