
that is not all. i didn't claim that your research results were just "an opinion". i just want to make clear that my book-and-doctor-research is not an opinion either.

That's kind of true, but the OP is also right. The healthiest/easiest way for your body to poop is in a squatting position. That said, we of course adapt to our environments, and most Westerners actually really struggle to shit in a squat toilet when visiting other countries.

erhm what's going on in canada that the number is so high?

I fuck-in HATE those asswipe commercials. I can't even TELL you. Corporations being the asshole police and guilting people about their assholes. With really annoying actors and cartoons and all that. Like take their asswipes and all the sewer clogging, plastic-trash-island in the Pacific Ocean-causing, environmental

Nooo, staahhhp. Humans aren't "meant" to do anything. This kind of naturalistic stuff is almost always bullshit.

You clearly don't have GI problems...sometimes people with Crohn's or IBS or IBD have to wipe so many times it chafes their bums so BAD! One good swipe with a moist wipe prevents a lot of discomfort and even pain. Also, very helpful when you've got a "burning ring of fire" so-to-speak. Cooling.

Poor dear. Why is she in a neck brace? Is that an orange cast on her arm? Was she in a sexy fashion accident?

Well, it may be about being thin. But very few of the girls have big boobs. It's all about the push-up bra and chicken cutlets (on which most if the models double up).

Now playing

I don't know why they don't just own it and say "Yes. It's about being thin with huge boobs. That's the image we like, and it's what we think looks best." They're not fooling anyone with this "It's just about looking your best and being confident!" doublespeak. They aren't going to let me be a VS model no matter

Pretty simple to me...quit buying their product. If every woman who complained about this kind of thing refused to buy their products, then maybe there would be change.

oh and yeah, it is part of our maternity protection rights at the work place here in germany. so you are probably right, it is just an opinion...

my "fact" then is an "opinion" of all the doctors i went to. if this is the case and they just agreed on an "opinion", then be it. i am not a doctor, but i talked to a lot of doctors. i can also quote you my gynocology book (it's in german) where it says that you shouldn't lift more than 5 kilo after the 25th week of

I did it to save money and to save the whole "Oh man, have to run out to get tampons... AGAIN" trouble. I wasn't even thinking about the environment at all when I switched 15 years ago.

sure, it can work. but it is a medical fact that heavy lifting during pregnancy increases the risk of losing your baby EXTREMELY. so it might be that this lady and her baby will be totally fine. but yeah, it might very well be not the case. she seems to have managed so far, which she should be thankful for, but it

You literally said that if women can handle slavery and hard labor than strenuous activities during pregnancy wouldn't be bad either.

Yeah, because that's the standard we should be gunning for in the 21st century.

Everyone's body reacts differently to alcohol, so some fetuses are affected by use and others aren't. But everyday drinking is very, very different from a cup of tea, driving a car or regular exercise and it is extremely irresponsible to equate the two activities.

Careful now. I had someone take me to task for yoga while pregnant with Big Foot because "voo doo". When I relayed that particular story to my OB he had to literally sit down because he was laughing so hard. He had a special section in my chart called "stupid things that others have said". This one made it to the top

Medical person here. The general consensus is pregnant women shouldn't to lift over 30lbs. Exercise is great, the recommendation is to keep it at a moderate intensity level similar to what you were doing prior to pregnancy. The concern here is that lifting that much weight increases the pressure on your internal