There are comments pretty much daily about the dire need for an editor; this author isn't being singled out.
There are comments pretty much daily about the dire need for an editor; this author isn't being singled out.
I have to say, it really bothers me that they have both a Johanna and a Joy-Anna. That's the SAME NAME!
Ok, I don't think you have ever breastfed or had primary care of an infant. One thing you seem to be missing is the way in which breastfeeding changes over time—a mother who is nursing a toddler isn't "tethered" to their child the way a mother nursing a new born is.
Nope. No, there isn't.
Wow, it's almost as if after you're done being pregnant you end up with a baby. Biology is crazy, huh?
I think you might be confused about what breastfeeding involves.
Thanks, I know that. If you are underweight, you aren't "fit." And she certainly doesn't look thin enough to have stopped menstruating.
My understanding was that the most traditional Spanish/Spanish-speaking country approach would be for you to be "Jane Smith de Escobar." Which in many ways is even more gross than just "Jane Escobar"—you are "of" your husband. Ew.
Rhinestones and a hot glue gun. Bam.
I dunno, hormones mostly don't care how fit you are.
Hey! So Philadelphia "doesn't come close to representing the entire state of Pennsylvania," but New York City gets to represent New York State? Did you consider Buffalo Wings? The Garbage Plate? "New York-style" pizza doesn't really exist upstate—which is a shame as it is damn good.
Maybe you should change where you buy your lentils—you shouldn't even need a pressure cooker, just 45 minutes on the stove. If they're older they can take longer though, so it's possible you've been buying elderly lentils.
This looks awesome—but psst! "Coen," not "Cohen."
And we all know how well that turned out.
Isn't chard a little too high in calcium for rabbits to have that much? A little too much calcium can really mess with their digestive systems.
Jesus, I didn't realize commenting on one problematic post meant I was bound to comment on all of them. I think it's a trap people often fall into that in praising one body type they feel like they must criticize another—e.g., the whole "real women have curves!" fiasco. I don't know what you mean by your last…
Hey, can we not denigrate other women's bodies at all? kthx.
OH can we have this scenario but minus Sally? (Because as terrible as Roger is, I don't see him as a pedophile.) Roger Sterling riding off into the sunset in a VW Bug wearing a fringed vest and love beads...
Can I hate her because she's rich, too?
And yet, none of their bras actually fit anyone who is thin with huge boobs. You can't win.