
American’s get butthurt over everything. Hypersensitivity has been commoditized.

Yeah but was your mom able to get out of the cart?

This is dumb. There was controversy over Widow’s story line in AoU, sure. But Whedon was the first person to get the character at all right - Widow in The Avengers is worlds above Widow in Iron Man 2.

It’s not a black and white issue-you have to take context into account.

...were a small number of people in a huge war and you really don’t think it would look incredibly forced if they were included?

I know, why doesn’t Themyscira have any men, right? Seriously though, the movie takes place in WWI (evidenced by the Fokker E.III plane). The 1910s were not a period of tremendous diversity in Europe. There were lots of French and British colonial troops (India, Africa) who fought, particularly in the crises years.

lmao, “Nobody owns a culture”. How White are you?

And they should get over it because it’s a skin in a video game.

Uh oh, WHITE GUILT ALERT. Shut the fuck up

All religions are trivialized in some form or another across all mediums. This guy needs to get over himself.

This whole cliffhanger drama is so strange to me. I'm usually one of the first people to grab my torch and pitchfork and let the hate flow, but I honestly didn't mind this at all. Negan was awesome! People don't realize what an awesome charatcter he is and how JDM fucking hit it out of the park

I loved this movie, and so did all my friends. The theater we saw it in was full, on an afternoon on an off day, two weeks after the premier (week and a half maybe). Audience scores in general were high*.

I dunno. I found the hate from professional critics oddly aggressive for this film.

Eh, thats too bad.

I love how people try to conflate this issue with the Philly bombing. It’s ok to kill half a dozen officers because people halfway across the country did something horrible thirty years ago! You pseudo anarchists are so juvenile.

When civilian criminals are using military strategies/guerrilla is perfect for use there.

Here’s your potential outcome list:


He got what he deserved. Killing cops, wounding others and claiming to have bombs. At least tax money wont be spent keeping him alive in a jail eternally