
CPA is a great way to learn about your communities police department for those asking. The one I participated in included recreate crime scenes, baton take downs, live firing and gun safety at the range, community policing standards, and we did mock pullovers and active shootings at the end.

Damnit, my mothers name is Martha too

Or you could compare the numbers (or closest estimates) for troops by race and feel ashamed for wasting everyone’s time.

Color of skin is only a sad part of it. But let’s ignore statistics too.

Nothing but rage for these kinds of fuckwits.
Would love to see him lose everything and have to live among us poor folks.
Most depressing is the people supporting him on Twitter. Fuck that clown.

Nah, I’m more bitter and old and enjoy being on the other side of the camera .

That’s actually a huge problem in the cosplay community. Not saying this guy is guilty and I do love his costume, but as someone who’s been on the convention scene 15+ years it’s all changed with social media.

She should hang.

Israel deserves no love or support internationally. So yes, Fuck Israel.

It’s still got my ticket money. There’s a drought when it comes to fantasy movies and I’m willing to roll the dice on Warcraft, having spent a good deal of the 90's alternating matches of WCI&II on a friends PC, I think I’ll be able to find some redeeming qualities.

Mid-80's to Early-90's are my sweet spot.
I'm not a fan of most anime styles nowadays, and it's a shame, because I would like to enjoy them.

But heavy shading, thick line work, and all of those small hand drawn details on things like spacecraft/mecha and general vehicles will always trump the soft lines and heavy CG use

I miss Everquest. EQII was fun, but my group got sucked into WoW early and never left.
I can't blame them, but they certainly got more mileage from it than I did.
Vanilla EQ was probably my favorite MMO. (and I remember the bartering I did with my mother to justify using her credit card for an online game, since I

Let some vigilante group get their hands on them.
I would donate money to see them curb stomped.

And what do you say to people who live rural and have spotty (at best) connections?Because for some people moving to more urban or suburban areas aren't on the agenda. It's not always as simple and finding the means to download 20GB worry free, but the actual act itself can prove to be daunting.

Hell, I only live about

Thank god this wasn't how things were when I was in grade school or I would've ended up in an asylum.

We had full on cross-series wars with action figures, pretended we were in power armor/robot/power ranger suits leveling each other with missiles and lasers. And you know what, unless we were getting physical with

Nice review.
I felt like most reviews missed out by rushing to meet the launch window, and therefore bypassed a lot of how the end game works and even missed out on the first raid.

Sick fuck.

Reminds me of something from my past;
I'm estranged from most of my extended family, but I had a cousin who was dating one of those 'I'M SO DARK AND EDGY! YOU CAN NEVER LEAVE ME! MY ROOOOOOSEEEEE' shitheads who took her beloved pet rabbit and boiled it alive and skinned it in front of her.

I really hope that this pulls off the same feeling as the first. Revelations was the first RE since 4 I've enjoyed.

I think what helped is the fact that the quarters on the ship were narrow, so the slower, plodding enemies didn't seem as old-school or toothless, and that there was generally a fear of getting cornered

Deus Ex: Icarus Effect was a really fun read.
I really like what they did for the lore and how the spent some time explaining the inner workings of PMC's and military companies in the Deus Ex universe.

I don't know who to be embarrassed/ashamed of more;
The people who developed this mod or the people who think this kind of childish shit is hilarious.