
I'll go on record saying I like the W25 Silver Arrow because it at least fits the Mario aesthetic somewhat. The others.... ehhhhhh....

That background music though, so good. Is that a track in MK8? I haven't been able to pick it up yet.

Ignoring the hate these posts are getting;

The game looks pretty fun. I'm not really an MLP fan, but I'm always interested in seeing games aside from MTG being played.

Might have to pick up a deck down the road and give it a go if I find a local player base, but local MTG players have sort of bullied the locals out of

I'll go against the current here.
I found it amusing. Not the best one they've done, but humorous enough.

I tend to watch these when they get posted on Kotaku because they offer little distractions from whatever I'm doing, and I don't really care if the reactions are forced or not. I chuckle and move along, so I don't

Meanwhile in poor town, today I installed an ancient (2010) $30 GPU in my pc just to keep it running. Just so I'm able to send out my resume to companies that don't care about my degree and play some NeoTokyo and TF2 while I wait for rejection letters.

*waves goodbye to the rest of his steam library for the time being*


I read that in President Heller's voice.


The problem with the sword is that it spreads their toxic blood around.

The problem with the sword is that it spreads their toxic blood around.

I'm thinking Gohan as well.

And for the people wondering why he has a scouter, it could be that God mode doesn't allow you to detect ki. In the fairly limited subs I watched the newest movie with, they had a part where they said that Ki users couldn't detect Gods with their battle sense, so maybe viceversa is true as

Which is my experience with unions around me re: Second Class citizens. Working union shops provides an extra layer of supposed stability and protection, but in reality, I was always treated better by non-union shops and they actually would work with me if something like attendance became an issue.

The union places

My wishlist would be a new Dark Cloud, Jade Cocoon, or a Suikoden or .Hack sequel or rebuild.
Or... Legend of Dragoon 2.

Thanks for the review, Mike.

Not every has access to those though. Well, we do, but it sucks.
As someone who lives rural and is slowly over the last decade moving closer to bigger cities (which I hate, but it's also where the jobs went in my area, especially in regard to my degree). Internet in even 20-40,000 people communities is AWFUL if you

I noticed this too.
I'll fully admit to looking into downloading it. I generally do so if there is no demo available, but I can't decide if I want to purchase. I cruise through the first level or so, then I either uninstall or go out and buy.

Pft, I miss manually entering command prompts, I -MISS- dial up.

Makes me miss pre-internet mods and miss expansions that were delivered on discs.

So the guys an asshole. That's a non-gaming term to apply to him.
I have a policy of not engaging people in online games unless they come off as genuinely friendly. IE, Guilds in games like FFXIV that are made up of older players or require strict guidelines in conduct.

I hate gaming trolls. I really do. People say

If my apartment wasn't so small and I had unlimited fun bucks, I would dig an Oculus and Omni combo for gaming.
I love airsoft, paintball, larping, and all of that fun suspension of disbelief run-wild-in-the-fields stuff, so using something like the above in Skyrim or shooters would be a dream come true to me.
Also, a

You must be a ton of fun to hang out with.

Color me excited.
Those exoskeletons look like a mishmash of modern futurism elements and the ideas fueling the real TALOS and HULC programs.
Tanks with the ability to function like walkers.
Baby VTOL drones.
Optical camouflage.
Keven Spacey.

Be still my heart.
I really hope the plot is coherent and fun, because I

There was a lot more to WWI than sitting in trenches.
Artillery bombardments, mixtures of mounted and vehicle transportation being used, early air warfare. Trenches were a big part, but there were plenty of towns and open areas involved.
And if they wanted to go for brutality or spit on sombre history for killstreaks,