That water is a strategic resource does not mean the conflict is not about ideology.
They didn't give him many scenes, he did a few cool things but Hound was stealing every scene he was in.
If you didn't "get" this movie, I really question your ability to understand modern horror (beyond the herp derp slasher bullshit).
I've been in Korea for four years and I'm still struggling with a lot of conversational aspects of the language. I know a lot of words and some things, but keeping up with my fiance and her family is quite difficult. So I think I will have to go with your idea and just eat some Korean brains. It is the only way.
Well, I guess everyone is entitled to their opinions, no matter how wrong those opinions might be.
And then got awesomer? Yes, exactly.
Respectfully disagree. I love every frame of this movie.
You take that back!
I think that they're already pretty much guaranteed to fall, unless some huge corporation comes in and saves them.
I feel the opposite. The Necromongers are the reason to go see this movie. They have a whole existence that we get dropped into the middle of.
No, everything was awesome!
There's still trouble at Crytek, the independent game developer behind games like Crysis and Ryse. And as of yesterday, the bulk of employees at Crytek's UK office are no longer going to work, according to people familiar with the situation.
Their rich, tasty knowledge.
Yeah, they should make it more like the older, more hardcore MGS games where Snake can see the exact cone of vision for everyone in the zip code using a magic inner ear radar.
Nah, the ending we got was fine. You don't end such a fun film on a total down note. A great action movie makes the audience believe it could all end entirely catastrophic for two hours and then has the heroes manage the impossible and succeed. That's how you play it.
The only thing that would make this soundtrack better is if it actually came out on cassette.
Who cares.
"Prime did it, he turned the tide."