
I miss Everquest. EQII was fun, but my group got sucked into WoW early and never left.
I can't blame them, but they certainly got more mileage from it than I did.
Vanilla EQ was probably my favorite MMO. (and I remember the bartering I did with my mother to justify using her credit card for an online game, since I

I liked the episode, but I like Beth, and I could see why this insane system was working (for a while). You essentially have the healthy (and uninjured) who get supplies and new people, the injured and weak stay back and pay off their debts by doing menial work, the Doctor gets all sorts of special treatment because

I loved this episode, and I love Miller as Cold. I especially like how he already seems to know he can't keep up with the raw speed of the Flash, so he's not above risking civilians to use as a distraction. So, is Heatwave/Capt. Cold going to be the crossover episode?

Let some vigilante group get their hands on them.
I would donate money to see them curb stomped.

Dayum Shame

I didn't know this was a thing.
As long as the font is legible I really don't care about the differences in them.

Guess that makes me some sort of internet madman.

Damnit. I'm not a fan of Damian.
Can't he stay gone. Or at least pull a Jason Todd and be gone for a nice long while?

And what do you say to people who live rural and have spotty (at best) connections?Because for some people moving to more urban or suburban areas aren't on the agenda. It's not always as simple and finding the means to download 20GB worry free, but the actual act itself can prove to be daunting.

Hell, I only live about

I'm not AWConn, but I like the G-Self.
Mixes it up a little aesthetically, and so far the plot reminds me of Gainer more than previous Gundam series, which is nice.
I about lost it when I saw the units take actual damage in fights. I love the fact the Montero gets beat up and the G-Self's shield gets turned to scrap

Yeah, I'm pretty excited for Origin. I kind of wish they would have led with that over standard 0079, newer animation, tighter plotting... I think it would probably draw more positive attention.

It's a slow burn, but I think the Borjarnons and other UC inspired designs (Zssans) helped ground it for people as a 'true' Gundam series.
I love pointing out Turn A and telling people that Syd Mead worked on it. ....but most people have no clue who I'm talking about.

I'm worried that the AU's will get the short end of the stick. I would love to watch Gundam X again without it looking like it was subbed using the old VHS methods or having to pirate sizable blu-ray rips.

It's exciting though, I really want to update my collection. I'm pretty stoked about Turn A and 0079 leading the

Nah, I'll follow the 40k Chaplain guidelines of rushing into the fight screaming about heresy and holy war.
"At battle's end, speak the Liturgy in a clear voice. Respect the bravery of the living. Give the Rite of Passage to the fallen. Honour the battle gear of the dead. To do all this with reverence, even when

I lost my best friend in February 2013, the same weekend my nephew was born, and on that same weekend I also lost another friend to a homicide.

I actually did that with my best friend and his Playstation Network account, because it was the last place I ever heard from him.
He sent me a message about a game we were excited about, and I didn't reply right away, thinking I had a few days. Got a call that he died the next day in his bed.

I would enlist.

Thank god this wasn't how things were when I was in grade school or I would've ended up in an asylum.

We had full on cross-series wars with action figures, pretended we were in power armor/robot/power ranger suits leveling each other with missiles and lasers. And you know what, unless we were getting physical with

I just had to google Chris Hardwick because I completely forgot who he was.
Really? Really?! They cared more about him?

Guts from Berserk.

I make fun of Naruto a lot, but it's ending is a bit of a downer for me. I haven't followed it in a while, but I guess I can always pick it back up this week.

I got onto the convention scene in the early 00's, and Naruto was one of the foundations of that era, so while I pulled chapters with dial-up (the anime hadn't