
I thought if we ever got 'giant robots' we would end up with stuff like the UN Spider-Tank from Patlabor.
It's so cool, and it sort of makes sense in the wooded area, being able to walk if it needs too.

...Errrughhh. I miss those kinds of designs in anime.

Nice review.
I felt like most reviews missed out by rushing to meet the launch window, and therefore bypassed a lot of how the end game works and even missed out on the first raid.

Kinda looks like Arnim Zola to me.

Sick fuck.

Reminds me of something from my past;
I'm estranged from most of my extended family, but I had a cousin who was dating one of those 'I'M SO DARK AND EDGY! YOU CAN NEVER LEAVE ME! MY ROOOOOOSEEEEE' shitheads who took her beloved pet rabbit and boiled it alive and skinned it in front of her.

Well, I'm educated and not well payed. I actually just got done restructuring a student loan that was bleeding me dry, and I'm looking at going back to my old job just so I can log 12hr days mon-fri to keep up to date on my bills, and looking into delivering pizzas or something on the weekends to give me 'fun' money.


I can't even think of any scary movies in the last few years.

I have a problem finding horror movies because jump scares don't do it for me, I've always been more of fan of atmosphere and aesthetic over something jumping out of a closet or through a window, not to say that can't be an element, but I hate it when that

I really hope that this pulls off the same feeling as the first. Revelations was the first RE since 4 I've enjoyed.

I think what helped is the fact that the quarters on the ship were narrow, so the slower, plodding enemies didn't seem as old-school or toothless, and that there was generally a fear of getting cornered

Heard he was also a big Warhammer fan too.

Deus Ex: Icarus Effect was a really fun read.
I really like what they did for the lore and how the spent some time explaining the inner workings of PMC's and military companies in the Deus Ex universe.

I don't know who to be embarrassed/ashamed of more;
The people who developed this mod or the people who think this kind of childish shit is hilarious.

I'll go on record saying I like the W25 Silver Arrow because it at least fits the Mario aesthetic somewhat. The others.... ehhhhhh....

That background music though, so good. Is that a track in MK8? I haven't been able to pick it up yet.

...or Superman decides to rewind time.

How old is Bruce supposed to be in this movie?
I mean, if they use this as a springboard for the Justice League, wouldn't an older Batman be a hindrance or issue?

I'm just assuming he'll be younger than his Returns self, but I don't know, I would figure mid-30's would be an ideal character age if they want to milk any

I'm surprised he didn't point out Michael Rooker's connection to Gunn.
He was Abe in Super and Grant Grant in Slither.

I know he isn't as popular as Nathan Fillion, but he also has a past with Gunn worth noting.
I was also wondering if Yondu lining up little toys in his cockpit was a nod to Wash and his

Ignoring the hate these posts are getting;

The game looks pretty fun. I'm not really an MLP fan, but I'm always interested in seeing games aside from MTG being played.

Might have to pick up a deck down the road and give it a go if I find a local player base, but local MTG players have sort of bullied the locals out of

Boo, I liked him.
He was always meant to be a lackey, and he even owns up to being stupid muscle. That's what made him appealing. I don't think he was supposed to be so much a bad-ass as an all out asshole from the beginning. He's stupid, violent, inept, but knows when to suck up, and revels in the zombie apocalypse

I'll go against the current here.
I found it amusing. Not the best one they've done, but humorous enough.

I tend to watch these when they get posted on Kotaku because they offer little distractions from whatever I'm doing, and I don't really care if the reactions are forced or not. I chuckle and move along, so I don't

Yes! More! More!

Seriously excited. Could go a lot of directions with Deadites and general horror motifs.
And with the potential with some excellent camp and humor, maybe we could someday get a supernatural series as fun as the first half of Supernatural again.

Jeffrey Dean Morgan for Joel!
He's perfect, and he plays a great father figure that's also a giant ass.

I want to throw one of these at it;