
I LOVE Zach and Miri; unabashedly and unironically.

Can we add Blast from the Past? Not a good movie by any means, but I own it and watch it regularly. You can’t beat cheesy, charming people and bomb-shelter time-capsule humour. With Christopher Walken and Sissey Spacek. I also love Dave Foley as the roommate. There is literally nothing bad about this bad movie.

I love Zack and Miri make a Porno too—and the Lake House is awful but pretty, pretty, pretty. Between the real estate and prime Keanu, it’s a lovely way to spend a late night with a glass of wine and a weird mood.

Zach and Miri is one of my FAVOURITE movies of all time...if it’s on TV I immediately stop channel surfing and watch, and it’s still on my Netflix list even if I’ve seen it ten times.

Excuse me Serendipity, zack and Miri and Reality Bites are all quality films and I don’t want to hear anything otherwise

Yeaaaaaaaah look, we all think it’s creepy but I think I speak for most of us when I say that it’s muuuuuch better when a sketchy dude can go to a “sex doll brothel” instead of patronizing a sex-worker who may actually be trafficked?

This is super not surprising. He was always gross and both on the Vegas season and on all stars you could always tell that he never thought the female chefs were as good as the male ones.

“...a fucking loony tunes far right Republican....”

And let’s see how the gun nuts react to their “good guy with a gun” being yet again revealed to be more a dipshit with a gun.

In deep red territory, the push has to be toward the center first.

I see absolutely nothing wrong with this guy Lamb. He’s on the right side of most of the issues that need to be addressed right now, and he’s fine for the less-than-pressing ones down the line. We need more pro-union representation on the national stage.

He is, in other words, the kind of middling Democrat the party’s base is begging it to move away from.

This! Elect actual liberals in places they can win, and elect more moderate democrats in places where actual liberals cannot win.

This. I think getting the more conservative areas used to the idea that center-left (or just center) Democrats can be effective leaders in their areas means that, down the road, we could shift more geography blue.

I’m all for a move for more progressive candidates in the Dems - but we also have to at least pay lip

Conservative Democrats getting elected in conservative districts where previously there were ultra-conservative (or just radical) Republicans is still a win. Voting with you sometimes is better than voting with you never.

Tillerson speaks out against Russia in the poisoning of the British spy. Tillerson is out of the job 24 hours later. And the new chief diplomat of the United States is the former chief spy of the United States.

I will watch The Holiday whenever it’s on. The Jack Black character gets on my nerves a little, but it’s the one Nancy Meyers movie I can stomach.

Wrinkle was absolutely perfect.

If anyone is watching Grey’s besides me (and I know millions still are..) they would know that Arizona and April are at a standstill. They aren’t in any exciting couples, they’ve hit a plateau as characters, and it’s not surprising to me that they would roll off.

It is an injustice to paint these parents in any other light than grieving fucking parents.