
I can’t stop crying over what these poor kids have had to go through, but I am so proud that these kids are our future. This is the first time in my adult life that I’ve been hopeful about any real common sense gun legislature passing. And it is 100% because of these children. I hope the NRA and all their A+ rated

There’s gonna be hell to pay when the generation that this country allowed to be terrorized by gun violence in schools finally comes of age. I really believe that.

I hope republicans end up finding high schoolers harder to ignore than kindergartens. These kids will turn in to a force to be reckoned with and I’m rooting for them.

Idris Elba should play James Bond. He’s objectively the most suave man.

Ok so I feel like this is a very appropriate place to tell my movie going expirence for Black Panther. I went to a theater with reserved seating (no alcohol though; should have checked. Damn) Two young women went to sit next to me but there was a white man in one of their seats. They showed the man their tickets and

How in the Hell do you “carefully” not buy a ticket? Did she think Black Panther tickets are sentient and were waiting around the corner to beat her over the head while denouncing whitey and telling her to pick a different date?

Yeah, I’m often told by people that they prefer dogs over cats because they find litter boxes gross. Like, more gross than having to bag up dog poop in the rain? I’ll never understand.

I have to appreciate the irony that the animal that actively cleans itself and chooses to crap in scented gravel is the one less likely to be accepted.

I love my dogs. I love your dogs. I love dogs I see on the street. I love all dogs.

I absolutely want to fight about this. While I’m not anti-dog, per se, I am anti many dog owners. I don’t own any dogs, don’t plan to ever own dogs and think it’s not too much to ask four things of dog owners:

You know what I hate? The fact that “pet friendly” is usually code for “dog friendly only, no other pets”. Notably for hotels. Thank goodness its been years since I’ve had to travel such distances with a cat that required a hotel stay, but it does happen (especially for moves) and most of the time when a hotel says

And also most these places as far as I’m aware still have shit policies when it comes to childcare yet now everyone and their mum can bring pets in.

Let’s not pretend that Amazon and other companies are allowing people to bring their dogs into work because they care about employee happiness. They are doing it because employees will work longer hours if they don’t have to go home to take care of their dogs.

Really amazed at Aidan’s self-awareness and composure for a 14 year old, considering he nearly died this morning and now his life is under intense media pressure and exposure.

Sadly, I think they already are commonplace in most schools.

The NY Daily News has done an excellent job on this:

Journalists do important work. But anyone hounding a child (because teenagers are still children) after such a traumatic experience for comment or an interview or image permissions is a piece of shit. Anyone doing this while the event is actively continuing needs to take a real look at their life and wonder how they

We need something catchy instead of #thoughtsandprayers, like votes and calls. Don’t send a prayer, send a letter to your congressman, and threatened to never ever vote for them again unless they pass some comprehensive gun reform. Don’t go to church, take your church to the polls, and then have them register voters,

I’m looking forward to offering thoughts and prayers to the 2nd Amendment and NRA asshats who start crying when We the People finally step up and put real, live, serious gun control measures in place.