Immaculate Gaenor

At least I know I'll be fine. My best-friend's parents have a massive wine cellar. If it gets bad, they can have an accident. They are very old.

Olivia Pope's giant wine glass can be the Scandal version of the strategically-placed laundry basket.

I decided my next dog will be Anderson Cooper.

I named my late Chinchilla Munchimilian Ignatius Fluffjumper Esq. "Munchie" for casual times.

How could you not? They're so cute with their stubby little legs and their long bodies!!

I tease my husband that if push came to shove he'd choose the dog over me. He spoils her rotten.

I am so sad this happened, but this girl is awesome for making a scene and standing up for herself. I'm twice her age, and I'm not positive I could assert myself like that in such a creepy situation.


My hedgehog is named Sir Tumbles of Brambly Hedge. I just call him Tumbles (or chubbums, he's super cute and roly-poly). I'm thinking of getting a tortoise and naming it Colonel Lettuce Stumpertons III. Pets with titles are the best.

I've wanted a dachshund for 15 years now, but I don't have the money or space. When I do get one, I'm going to spoil him rotten with adorable sweaters and Etsy outfits and organic treats.

That's awesome. Do you put a mustache on him? Say nevermore?

I think letting kids name pets is a great way to get them to express their creativity. I only had fish who were named Fred and Frieda. I was not so creative, but they were goldfish.

And then have a baby named Grommet and a third one named Seam Ripper.

My current dog is named Lady Alice Underfoot-Jones. Our cats are named Sancho Kahn and Sonoma the Double Decker Cat. The last one was named by my son when he was three. What can I say, I'm one of those 'mericuh-ruining premisssive parenting libruls who lets a 3 year old name a kitten.

That's awesome. I might name him after one of the characters in the Parasol Protectorate; a vampire drone named Emmet Wilberforce Bootbottle-Fipps, referred to as Boots. Or there's Sandalio de Rabiffano, who goes by Biffy, or Viscount Trizdale who goes by Tizzy. It really depends on the doggy's colouring and

As a longtime dachshund parent (four over the past three decades) I heartily approve of your name selection. Lippy would be a great name for a dachshund. I keep telling my husband that when the current one goes, we're done because we're not getting any younger. But then I hear or think of a good name and I say well

I have a very dignified cat named Edgar Allan Paw, and he is constantly mortified when I call him Eggie.

I have a Burlington Great Northern Railway. Who is called that when I'm mad. But normally is Burly. Which is hilarious because he is a fluffy Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and decidedly the opposite of Burly.

I'm not having kids, but my future dachshund will be named something like Viscount Leopold Rupert Higgensbottom III. He will be called Lippy or something daily and only by his full name/title when he wees on the furniture.

My son is legally named Darth Conan. We call him DC for short. My daughter is Lillith Bouddica, and she insists on Lillith.