
Pelagic Research Services, the owner of the ROV, retrieved the wreckage t a Canadian Coast Guard pier in St. John’s, Newfoundland...

the 96-day oxygen supply

The company had listed three additional trips to the Titanic in the wake of the Titan implosion, both of which were scheduled for 2024, but the notice does not say if or when the suspension will lift. However, despite the fine print at the top of OceanGate’s site, the three expeditions in May 2024 are still listed

Aerospace engineer here.

This article seems to have missed the real impetus for this design from inception was the increased efficiency from high aspect ratio wings (thinner). Yes, most current designs look the same because we need to have wide wings to support the weight of the plane. The brace addresses this. Another problem to address is

I think that scale comes into play here, as well as current trade-off benefits. The difference between a cloudy day and a clear day over one region of Earth is going to produce an atmospheric energy input variance that’s so great, compared to a solar-beaming satellite, that it would be like comparing a candle to a

There’s no solar plant on Earth that can operate 24/7/365 like a space-based one could.

Older cars were designed to be safe by surviving collisions as intact as possible, which made them more dangerous to everyone else. Modern cars are designed for the whole car to act as an ablative barrier, protecting the occupants while reducing the impact to whatever they hit. 9 times out of 10, when you see someone

Man, Hazzard County must be on some incredibly hard times if the Duke boys are having to use an Altima. 

It was cinnamon, with cheesecake frosting.

First, you don’t want cops shooting people, and now you don’t want them running them over, too? If you keep boxing them in like this, they’ll have nothing left but to actually do their jobs!

The cop feared for his life! That scooter was coming right at him (*as he swerved to hit it).

Only attempted murder will get the cop paid leave and a promotion. Now if it was a murder then the cop would just get paid leave and then fired. But also hired by the next police station a few counties over.

This is attempted Murder. End of story. Unless the moped rider was shooting at people or endangering others, there’s no excuse for this behavior. The cop needs to be behind bars.

MF ran headlong into the wall called life years ago. Hence the white Jeep. 

Despite the flowery language, this is a lateral move in terms of just saying racist shit. A “bugger” or “buggar” is a slang term used towards a sect of Bulgarians. The term was coined by the catholic church in a smear campaign during the Albigensian crusade. The church even went as far as to associate “unnatural acts”

The whole road rage thing is really getting out of hand. A couple of weeks ago, I was making a left turn out of a parking lot. There was quite a bit of oncoming traffic, so I had to wait to make my turn. The guy behind me got impatient, stuck his head out his window, shook his fist at me, laid on his horn and went

Could be, frankly I tend to find driving relaxing. That said I do 100% get road rage sometimes, but I keep the yelling firmly contained inside my car. Even then it’s mostly constrained to things like “man what the fuck” and “fucking move!”

Oh so not only is he a racist dickhead, he’s a potential kiddie piddler racist dickhead, oh if he ends up in jail he’s gonna have a bad time.

As I get older, whenever someone does a dick move in traffic I just let it go. Whatever. That guy seems absolutely crazy. As such, I’m pretty sure if he had done that to me and started yelling insane shit I would probably have just slowed down, let the lunatic drive off. Because you never know. He could have a gun or