Those speed bumps are people.
Those speed bumps are people.
It sure looks like it’s struggling in the third of the three clips. Regardless, all I think when I watch this is how ridiculous the Cybertruck looks. If Tesla had designed a pretty conventional looking SUV (not the bulbous car pretending to be an SUV that is the Y or X), they could have had it on the market by now and…
I’d never seen the full-frontal view of this thing, and now I kind of wish I had not. Ugh, terrible. And to think this will be the last thing many a deer and pedestrian will ever see.
RDJ campaigned and donated for both Obama and Hillary, and says he is neither a Dem or a Rep, so how is he a well known conservative?
I remember work the day after the election, and the uncomfortable silence was noticeable, even in the hallways (I was living in a liberal part of Pennsylvania at the time, so I think the sense of shame was especially strong).
The real news in this blog is that DWTS is still on television.
That was every single day from his unbelievable selection (I spent that next day in a fog of disbelief) until the protesters were hauled out of the Capitol. I was at work and my sister DMed me - and I thought maybe a handful to a dozen MAGAts were being on brand until I checked news sites. JFC.
Ah, the early days of the Trump presidency, when things were merely scary-funny and not scary-“oh jesus fuck christ what’s he doing now?”
Serious Question: how is this still on the air? Who could possibly be watching this?
RDJ a conservative? I know about his comment about going from riches to prison and not coming out a liberal, but he doesn’t appear to exactly be a doctrinaire conservative. Heck, the man went vegan to reduce his carbon footprint and supports the climate change reduction group The Footprint Coalition.
Hollywood is not aligned with any ideology other than the one that maximizes profitability.
Showing any political preference is completely stupid if you’re trying to sell a consumer product. There was a time I would’ve bought a Tesla, but now it feels like a car version of the red MAGA hat.
It’s like watching sideshow bob step on the rake.
Wait, a company with a reactionary idiot CEO who also happens to be trying to be CEO for multiple other companies at the same time is struggling now that there are actual problems to resolve and competition from other companies?
That's to be expected - it says “Dodge” and “Ram” right on the label!
I might be able to muster up some empathy if all his problems weren’t knowingly and willingly self inflicted.
Yeah, more than his fair share of chances. Time to throw away the key.
“Is you taking video of yourself committing 38 crimes?”
This sounds like a person who will never be a productive member of society and is, in fact, a major threat to the safety of others. He should be locked up for life with no probation.