Glad that little black critter (cat?) between the rear of the Camero and the car behind it hightailed it out of there just as the MBW hit the boulder!
Glad that little black critter (cat?) between the rear of the Camero and the car behind it hightailed it out of there just as the MBW hit the boulder!
Great post! I’m a fan of lemongrass and lavender essential oils as a combo - much the same type of yin/yang. (Is this a Libra thing?) I also make use of my Philips Hue Go and set it to cycle through a range of colours.
Great post! I’m a fan of lemongrass and lavender essential oils as a combo - much the same type of yin/yang. (Is…
The GLA CLA option was nice though.... sometimes two seats are not enough. I did unlock a couple of achievements with the Smarts though.... I brought home an apartment sized dryer, and on another occasion, a full sized BBQ (wings disassembled) off the floor from Home Depot.
Agreed. They WERE nice to drive though.
ZipCar is NOT cheap. Communauto is running in Toronto, taking over Car2Go’s slot as the only point to point option in town. They do have a smaller home area than Car2Go did, but not having to book slot in advance and being able to end the trip at your destination (within home area) can be a godsend.
Car2Go includes gas and insurance.
Car2Go had it’s niche though... renting for a few hours to run a bunch of errands was MUCH easier than a series of Ubers. In a pinch, $56 CDN for 24hrs without worrying about rental cars not being available for a day trip was convenient as well. I missed them when they pulled out of Toronto.
I have one set up behind my work desk and another 10' one draped above and to the sides on the window behind the desk hidden behind curtains. With a setting that mimics summer daylight, I can trick my body clock into a longer workday.
I have one set up behind my work desk and another 10' one draped above and to the sides on the window behind the…
That video warmed the cockles of my heart.
As a sound designer and EV enthusiast, I AGREE!!
It’s her Worf, son of Mogh voice.
He must have seen Hot Tub Time Machine and thought it was a documentary.
Interesting.... I like the front, 3/4 and rear view, but the side angle seems kinda meh to me.
Here’s hoping they’ll like the new t-16s when they come out... wait....
I can see it now... Megyn & Dana, the white version of Salt n Peppah.
Trashcan Leprechaun for the win.
Perhaps he’ll take the high road and force some random “medical expert” to claim his is the most glorious member as tRump is endowed with “superior” genetics.
See; the history of this bridge, it’s well documented. The current solution is the best they could come up with given the restrictions based on the surrounding infrastructure.
As someone who’s worked on a couple of IMAX racing films, I know that convincing onboard race sounds or not an easy thing to pull off without some seriously good field recordings. Hats off to those guys.