
From what I’ve seen so far, I am FIRMLY in the first camp!!

Dain bramage for realz, son.

I expect the driver did not RTFM:

MacRumors forum is full of people having to restore in iTunes. I’m one of them as my iPad Pro 12" came up in restore mode immediately. Hoping the same thing doesn’t happen to my 6s.

Agreed. Imax 3D with the new laser projection system is incredible and much brighter that conventional 3D projection.

Armada SUCKED sooo badly, but I thought RP1 was enjoyable enough.

“...according to the BBC, a witness reported that a line hanging from the plane hit a telephone phone.”

This sounds like Toronto.

Meditation is a small step in the right direction.

Exactly this! Although I did have one experience in a music store in Hamilton ONT where I played things on a $6000 Alembic bass in a way that I never was able to with my then current axe. The action was INCREDIBLE! I had to put it down and walk away before I tried to rationalize selling a kidney to finance it. Good

This SEEMS promising, but the “16 apples and 4 bananas,” query didn’t bring any results for me. It also won’t pull up results for weather it’d going to rain in Toronto tomorrow. Perhaps I’m asking wrong? #fail

This still does nothing about the fact that without a viable magnetic field, solar radiation would continue to ablate the amped up Martian atmosphere.

That’s an explosive revelation!


The primary goal of the location recordist is to get clean dialogue. If we are lucky, and they have the time and opportunity, they can also record wild tracks of ambience or specific vehicles/items used in the film that may benifet the sound edit/mix. As mentioned there are many other things on set that may interfere

Ya. Rust issues. I loved driving my 2002 Protegé 5 hatch, but every one I see has the same issues with rust in the rear wheel wells.

The camera shouldn’t have been beyond arms reach of the operator. If his hand remained on the grip below the camera he would not be able to extend the stabilizer arm beyond it’s ability to support the weight of the camera. Levers... how do they work (or bork)?

Wow. That was a series of eye opening reviews! Thanks for the link.

I wish, but no. Only involved in the editing & mixing.