
Iranians in Benzes getting tea?

Agreed. Music to my ears.

Chain smoker?

Interesting, but geez... why not make the audio levels consistent between versions?

Serpentine! Serpentine!

WTF 720p?? So much for shooting in 4K. And whats up with the blown out sky and white Vette? Timing anyone? I am disappoint.

Oddly enough, I've never had a problem with them.

This guy would make one kick ass ambulance driver!

Andrew's voice sounds a hell of a lot like Super Dave Osborne!!

Sounds to my ear that when the mic is pointing forward, the windsock/rycote is doing its job well, but as soon as the camera swings perpendicular to rearward, it gets overwhelmed. One of the holy grails for a sound guy is to get long running tracks with a bit of perspective on vehicles. If that are loud enough this

WTF is wrong with these people? Are they so wrapped up in some misguided sense of superiority, paranoia and persecution that they completely erase any sense of compassion and empathy for anyone other than themselves? Humanity would advance in their absence.

Dunno... I heard the n word take & and as a person of colour, I think that was blown WAY out of proportion.

One HOT summer day 1989 T.O. on the roof of a 3 story building.... overlooked by several taller buildings. Nothing like being baked, sweaty and randy under the sun.

Seriously fugly.

I thought & recognized him!

Read too fast.... kinda expecting to see a war wrapped around a pole :p


No feet on my dashboard either.... what's up with that?


I monitor my sleep patterns with Motion X 24/7, but ONLY with all the radios turned off.