
Reasons other than password sharing that Netflix is losing subscribers:

* Financial situations changing and people having to cut out non-necessities they can no longer afford
* Losing specific shows/movies to other streaming services
* Not realizing Stranger Things was a once-in-a-lifetime stroke of lightning and holding

Imagine going to a movie theater and buying 4 tickets to a movie, but your 3 friends/family members who don’t live with you, aren’t allowed to sit in those seats because they aren’t part of your “household” and they need to each buy 4 seats as well.

It’s less that consumers love free shit and more that sane people share expenses with each other. 

It’s ironic that cord-cutting and streaming subscriptions were pitched as a low-cost alternative to $100+ cable subscriptions, yet to get close to the same viewing options today you’d have to subscribe to so many services that it’s now more expensive.

What you don’t get is that all possible implementations of this end up with Netflix losing more customers than it gains, and making people think of Netflix as a brand in a negative light.

It’s not the number of devices you pay for, it’s the number of simultaneous streams.

Nice way to screw people who travel frequently for work

Or the media picked the story up in the hope that awareness would prime people to resist it.

The reality that they don’t understand is that nobody shares just one service. My parents pay for Prime, Paramount+, and Disney+. I access their accounts in exchange for access to my Netflix, Hulu+, HBO Max, and Shudder. I guarantee we aren’t the only people doing this. Streamers want to be a cable alternative but you

Wow, that is a a good point. I had not thought about that. Like I guess too then we could ask what about when we go on vacation, will we get dinged for that? 

You literally CAN’T exceed the screen threshold.  I share with my MIL, and my kid will sometimes leave netflix streaming on his tablet, so when I try to watch on my TV, we get denied, and have to hunt down what’s taking up a slot.

Some people were talking about it on reddit and it seems they are locking your account to your Home IP address. You will automatically be blocked from using your account outside your home until you call customer service and tell them it is indeed you trying to access your account outside of your home...

Some services do that. To my knowledge none of the major streaming services do.  They instead limit the number of devices you are streaming to at the same time but you can log in from as many devices as you want.

After announcing a loss of over 200,000 subscribers in Q1 2022 (the first time after a decade of growth), the streaming company said it was considering adding adds to generate more revenue. Netflix’s stocks also tumbled 30%. The company partially blamed its stock problems on users sharing passwords.

having a log in cap is effectively the same thing as having a streaming cap, which you point out, already exists. it’s actually worse because many people have many devices they’re logged into. for my account alone (family of 4, kids too young for phones/tvs in their rooms), we’re logged into 3 computers, 4 tvs, 2

Work travel is very common, if you’re in consulting or sales for instance, you could be in a different city every week. Also if you’re watching on your work computer, you may be on a VPN appearing to be in a different state. I will watch netflix on my work laptop and it appears that I’m in Virginia, but when I watch

Netflix’s subscription options all state an explicit number of screens/viewers that are allowed to stream concurrently. As long as you’re abiding with your subscription threshold, it would be total BS for Netflix to hit you with a fee for simultaneous viewing

Netflix paved the way and provided proof of concept for streaming. With loss of content and other companies starting their own services Netflix is on the way out.

Exactly, the top tier allows UHD and multiple streams, so in many ways you’re already paying for ‘more’.

but that definition gets kind of gray very quickly. 2 very common examples off the top of my head