I laughed at that faith-based part. These people are truly clueless
I laughed at that faith-based part. These people are truly clueless
Lin-Manuel Miranda
I didn’t realize this until I posted some pictures on IG of my foot after I broke it several months ago and was in a cast. While I found some amazing support groups, I also got this weird slew of random creepy new followers and requests for DMs. People getting off on broken feet...I cannot. I had to lock down my…
That blouse! I’m no prude and hate dress codes, but I don’t where that would be appropriate in a professional setting. I have large-ish boobs and get side-eye wearing crewneck sweaters under blazers.
She really is. I’m like, Clare, girl, I just turned 38, the reason people don’t want to date you has nothing to do with your age or being “too old”. You are a grown ass woman, stop with this starry-eyed teenage rom-com ideal of what love is (and that’s insulting to teenagers!). I get it, you’re tired of dating, but…
Every election since Trump, I wear a shirt that says “Nasty Women Vote”. I’ve gotten more compliments than sneers. I also don’t live in a red state or county, so...This story does not surprise me that people don’t know how these rules apply or are deliberately misinterpreting them to illegally keep people form voting.
Really, my favorite tweet to come out of this. What a gift.
You’re right, which makes Trump’s attacks even more alarming.
Really striking right? I forget that people think like this when I’m outside of my bubble of the DC-metro area.
I don’t really care to judge her, but I was so bothered by the amount of salt she used.
Yeah. That bit had me scratching my head in exasperation like, “Golden Brown! Not pallid! Not brown! Not burnt! It’s not that difficult! Wtf?”
I re-watched Outrage recently (it’s free on Tubi w/ ads). Fascinating how nothing has really changed from then and now in terms of conservative hypocrisy.
Lord knows I need A World of Calm right now. Based off of the services I have, I’m most excited to watch His Hour, The Witches, and Vampires vs. the Bronx for my spooky season needs which may extend well after Halloween depending on how this election goes...
And then revert back to their harmful, bullshit norm because it no longer serves them. (see: “the only moral abortion is my abortion”, etc)
That statement struck me as well. I want to wake up from this nightmare!!!
Congratulations on 20 years!
Heartbreaking. It’s quite sad that she was scared to get a mammogram. The radiation cancer risk is quite low (miniscule from what I’ve read) for women 35 and older getting regular mammograms. PET scans are lower in radiation but they are not used to diagnose breast cancer. A PET scan should only come into play to see…
Not saying they aren’t (you would find Raisinets in the candy aisle of the store), but it’s truly not what a child is going to want for Halloween. It’s equivalent to people handing out mini-packs of Fig Newtons instead Oreos. Kids aren’t going to want that shit either.
I loved when my mom put yogurt covered raisins in my lunch as a kid and I would occasionally get Raisinets at the movies when I was a teen/young adult. Would I want them for Halloween? Fuck no. Chocolate or yogurt covered raisins belong strictly in the random snack category, not candy-centric holidays like Halloween,…
The ring was stolen from Kyle’s home in 2017. French had the ring appraised in 1980 and showed the paperwork (it was French’s mother’s wedding band so it’s probably from the late 60's or 70's). There is no way it is Kyle’s mother’s ring purchased secondhand. Unless French really is a secret psychic/fortuneteller,…