
Dick is criminally underrated. It is such a fantastic movie (Dan Hedaya’s Nixon was brilliant!) and one of my all-time favorites. I felt so bad for them having to film scenes in those era-authentic clothes in the hot swamp-ass DC summer.

That segment made me love Nicole Kidman even more.

No, but I don’t heat-style my hair everyday, I think that’s what makes the biggest difference. My problem is trying not to wear my hair pulled back too often (I hate having my hair in my face and a high ponytail is my go to)

I straighten my hair (blowdry and flat iron, not relaxed) because it’s honestly easier for me, not for work. I don’t have to wash my hair as often and once it’s done I don’t have to do much to style it from day to day. When I wear it naturally, it honestly requires more frequent washing, more products (and I have very

Exactly. These victims’ pain, families and relationships/friendships that were ruined, jobs that were lost (from shows being shut down, projects ending, etc) is nothing to be gleeful or boastful about. This is a extremely painful thing for many people directly and indirectly affected.

Rhoda, you had me at “We on the scene of this bitch”

Oh. My. God. This is beautiful. This post and this follow-up new story with her footage has made my day. I’m going to be in Norfolk next week, hope I run into Rhoda...but not because I did anything criminal.

Dying. Wonder if they reported Michael to the cyber police as well. That’s the proper department to get in touch with for these internet hate crimes.

I would have lost my job, for sure. My god, I don’t know how Harlow kept it together. She is a better person than I am.

Alright. :P

Seriously. It’s very funny how upset people are over AV Club comments. Like they were having the deepest, most intense conversations. It’s the internet. It’s equivalent to poeple getting upset about a tumblr post or vine dying.

So you feel a certain type of way about S.Gomez? For someone that doesn’t care for her, you seem awfully invested.

“...he lacks the sensitivity to portray this in a respectful manner”

Just...why? WHY? This is so unnecessary and gross to release this on the anniversary of her death.

This poor baby. This is truly heartbreaking (in tears reading this). I just...this cannot be happening to our children. This should not be a thing, children killing themselves due to bullying.

It was never out of context. She totally meant what she said. It’s disappointing. And I’m sure she was disappointed as well in getting the backlash, hence the...watever that was.

I did not realize she was a year older than me either! This pleases me. I’m so happy for them!

Vlad is on this morning!

It’s a totally important designer.