I’m looking forward to 3/4 of The Squad hitting the trail with Bernie to help spread the message.
I’m looking forward to 3/4 of The Squad hitting the trail with Bernie to help spread the message.
The person who will follow Obama’s lead is Warren.
weird cruel and grotesque
It’s not that they’re going to disqualify her, just that they think Bernie and Warren are very similar candidates but he’s better on those few issues and thus a better candidate. I suspect AOC and the others will happily support Warren if she takes the nom.
Because he’s an actual leftist and they share the same anticapitalist values.
Karma will be reached when Dabo's boss next year will be Dan Snyder.
Yeah, this is a bad take. His version of “scaling back” still meets or exceeds the workload of every other candidate.
The only people who thought he was gonna drop out were the ghoulish concern troll shitlibs who are so pathetically desperate to see him out of the race. I never doubted for a second that he had the courage of his convictions to fight to the end, but it’s nice to hear him say it.
Political revolution is exactly what we need to fight the full throated corruption and graft of the republicans and the “soft” corruption of the politicians that only care about the money of lobbyists.
I’d be surprised if there’s enough material in there to get him through two dumps. In the salad days of tobacco advertising, it was the size of a small county’s phone book and you could take all week to finish it.
In a similar vein, my wife’s grandmother bought her a lifetime subscription to National Geographic when she was 9. I think it was something like $1000 in 1986 money to do so, but that badboy shows up like clockwork every month. It’s awesome.
$10/year is too good of a deal to pass up!
My father has been a subscriber for 52 years. I’m willing to bet he’s one of the Top 100 most tenured subscribers. It was a Bar Mitzvah gift, and to this day he has no clue who got it for him. The only thing he knows is that they filled out the application choosing the prefix “Master” rathern than “Mr.” My Dad never…
I have respect for whatever PA with the Fox Sports AZ crew has been tasked with cleaning out the headset after the customary post-game pieing of whichever player is on air. Some days it’s a complete blindside, and the filling has included some pretty questionable choices due to limited availability in the past. I’ve…
more like water’bro’ding
a 6"8 incubus waterboarding you with Budweiser
Reporters who go into celebrating locker rooms are the troops of media. Maybe there was a time when dumping a 30-racks worth of beer on the reporter was frowned upon, but the gates are open now. It’s not even catching shrapnel, you’ve got professional athletes drowning you in alcohol. You know what happens when you…
Don’t pay the players. Just get big money sports out of the college system. Just do that.
What amazes me is that there are people genuinely concerned about the fate of college athletics. If the system, as it currently exists, collapses, who really gets hurt? Millionaire coaches? Overpaid athletic directors? Boosters? Networks? Who gives a shit.
Yeah. All debates about changing the economic models for anything - in any way - ultimately devolve into this. Pay restaurant workers a living wage and eliminate tips? End of restaurants and therefore society. Change regulations on dumping toxic chemicals in public swimming pools? Tell little Jimmy why you hate giving…