
Oh please, just stop it. Chief Keef is a terrible lyricist. French Montanna is a terrible lyricist. He may not be as technical as Aesop Rock, but Kanye is not "a terrible lyricist". I would say he's average at worst. Either way, lyricism isn't all there is to being a rapper; it's just one element. In my opinion,

What's gotten into you? I remember you posting the occasional Gurren Lagann GIF every now and then, but now it's almost all I see you talking about.

Evangelion, but I'm pretty sure that still in particular is from one of the newer movies.

Ah, consumerism at it's finest. Humanity? Not so much...

No, it isn't. A bad game is Superman 64. Killzone games consistently score above average or greater amongst prominent media outlets.

Remember, any game that receives anything less than a perfect score is "meh" to the gaming community.


Fascinating...thank you for posting this. Now I need to find a new cable for my ps2...

Oh god, episode 4. Other than Shin Chan and Golden Boy, no other anime has made me laugh as hard as that episode did.

Well, if you insist, heh...

From Kotaku:

Kill la Kill man, Kill la Kill. Watch it.

Of course there's plenty of things that bug me, did I ever say otherwise? I just don't understand why you all felt the need to shit on the MC for wearing a hat. :/

You and everyone else being overly judgmental.

Not sure what it was about your post that brought out the assholes, but I apologize on their behalf.

Get picked on at school today? Well, don't worry, it was just lunch money.

Hmm. A part of me is really interested in seeing what sort of effect these changes will have on Zynga's operations.

Because Arcanine is a giant dog?