
There is no tax on PSN purchases, you are charged exactly the listed price.

Yea, what everyone else piled in here to say. ;P

It would probably be chunky as all hell, but I think it could be doable...mostly because I would love to see it done ;_;

If it's anything like Ayakashi: Ghost Guild or any of the other "card battle" games, I'll pass. But, if it's like Shadow Era, I'm down.

It should be easy for me to dismiss this and move on with my day, but I can't. I mean, it's Amazon. They are more than capable of building a successful android console. The hardest part would be convincing people why they would need this, and with the right marketing, that could be easily accomplished.

Don't worry, I'm the same way with my Galaxy. I've got like, 4 games on here I rarely touch, where as my previous crap phone had around 30.

Hey guys, let's act like condescending pricks towards a commenter that doesn't know the things we know! Yea!

For people who wanted their old material. I myself quite enjoyed it, as I knew what sort of album I was getting after reviewing the promotional material for it.

I'm not sure if datwangai is just an asshole or if he's just never been tasked with having to learn a new language. Native speakers can be extremely beneficial to the learning process, on top of being a valuable resource to draw information about things like folkway and etiquette from. I wouldn't know half the shit

I have, actually! But I can't really get into him, for some reason . :(

Awe, the AN/DSR babies got their compensation sticks nerfed. Bout' time, I say.

Go for it! It's a genre drifter that really shows where Cudi and Dot's creative minds are at, a place I really wish more rappers would lighten up and go.

I think WZRD, within context, is a decent album. However, I'm not sure if it has the strength to stand up on its own. It's definitely worth a listen though, if you're a Cudi fan.

Oh yes, absolutely. Its refreshing to see someone as humble as Cudi. He may brag from time to time, but it's hard to argue that he hasn't earned his place.

I wouldn't call Kanye "The Greatest", but, even as a huge fan of most of those artists, I'd have to disgree.

That's understandable. It's content light enough to be consumed en masse, in most cases. But larger pieces of work require massive investments in comparison, that generally only pay off in the long run. Long term vs. Short term, but both can totally be enjoyed at the same time because they each satisfy different

That YouTube analogy at the end was spot on. I can watch YouTube videos until my eyes bleed, but at the end of the day, they just can't replace the sort of experience one might expect from a movie. Its bite-size entertainment, nothing more.

If it doesn't sound right, it's probably because Red XIII isn't his real name. That was the label he received as Hojo's specimen. His real name is Nanaki.

Gotta admit, you're one of the few trolls I like on Kotaku. You and CanadianSpiderman. Rotating Orange tries too hard.

Auto-correct sucks, huh?