
Do people still steal these things? I was averse to installing something like this in my car because the stock head unit was actually pretty good already once I swapped out to a better amp, speakers, and sub (so everything still looks stock, but sounds better). After working in mobile audio in the 90s and seeing high

I would expect that might help in a "live control" by remote situation, but would that also hinder positional guidance where each one is pre-programmed with a target site or even have them all chase whatever you paint with a targeting laser?

Surveillance aside, a weaponized swarm would be kind of unstoppable. How would you defend against a horde of these coming at you?

If I wasn't also on the unlimited teat, I'd be gone as well. I put my wife on Straight Talk that uses the AT&T LTE and she has less coverage issues than me with my Verizon and we pay $45/mo.

oh fawk - the burning smell of my toof as it was being drilled during a root canal- you just brought that back. bleck. pwahw. I remember the smell triggered an urge to vomit and I realized - yakking chunks at that moment when my jaw was cranked open and sharp instruments were millimeters from my pink gooey tongue and

I actually replaced the overhead lamps above our bed with controllable, dimmable LEDs. There's a "scene" I've programmed into my Vera home automation unit that triggers these lights at 5am at the lowest level and gradually brightens them just like a sunrise simulator.

yeah, I need a mobo to go with that new AMD CPU - any recos from the flock? Need a full size ATX.

yeah, I need a mobo to go with that new AMD CPU - any recos from the flock? Need a full size ATX.

Think of all the strippers/porn stars who have to pick out stage names for themselves. They try to come up with the cutest/unique name they can think of and pick that - this is exactly the thought process many expectant Moms go through. This is why for every little girl or baby I run across recently, there's always a

Lots of these horrible names are actually spawned by parents who think combining their names make some cute, unique name. You know how couples become a merged name like "Bennifer" or "Brangelina" - then they name their child that.

I'm sooo going to the deli now, darn you!

It's actually much bigger than a sandwitch, though. I actually love them, but I feel guilty eating them knowing it's probably insulting to Mexicans and Italians at once.

One app I like to use besides Titanium Backup is Online Nandroid (for those times you just want to image your phone before you try out a new ROM and you don't want to boot into recovery to do a nandroid).

Some apps actually have dedicated threads developers introduce them in on the XDA forums for that reason.

Do you guys not have Taco Bell? You're just describing their Mexican Pizza

I decided since none of the new consoles would let me play through my previous gen backlog since no backwards compatibility, I'd just hold out. If they would have allowed that, I'd have bought both consoles day 1. Instead I just threw money at a video card upgrade for my HTPC for playing steam games on my projector

I wish more keyboards would actually put the dictionary editing functions in a more accessible place - culling the prediction dictionary is actually an awesome tip that gets overlooked a lot (for the keyboards that let you, that is).

You're silly - this is a thread about entertainment-centric HTPCs - you won't use these as a workstation, lol. In fact, most boxes in my house are Linux and one of the exceptions is the HTPC in my great room that has a nice video card and is hooked up to my projector so I can play games from my Steam account on it.

You're silly - this is a thread about entertainment-centric HTPCs - you won't use these as a workstation, lol. In

Does it make any difference for when you're watching on a 144" projector screen which pretty closely covers a large portion of your field of view?

Does it make any difference for when you're watching on a 144" projector screen which pretty closely covers a large

It was fun for a minute then switched it back because I need the color information to pick out shortcuts. I wish the UI was selectively themeable without JB.

I prefer it on Android only because there are UI enhancements like SwipePad that have made the home screen unnecessary for launching apps (I just swipe in from the bezel from within any app and a grid of folders and shortcuts appears). Also my smartwatch makes a lot of the informative widgets redundant. I prefer just