She's still an asshole.
She's still an asshole.
That is correct. I do still have a copy of the finished Thrill Kill somewhere around the house... it wasn't really good. :/
It was still better than the Wu Tang version though.
I agree with that, and why I said "some feminists".
No one's talking about the catalog models, I'm referring to push up bras, fake padding, etc.
Victoria's Secret has ruined the perception of what people are expecting when they get to see said boob.
I think Victoria's Secret is more likely to blame.
That's probably for the best ;) But there are hundreds of Tumblr pages like you described. :)
I find most subreddits way more tolerant and friendly than most of Gawker.
Some feminists will claim it's something called a "male power fantasy" and that all men want to look that way. In other words, don't generalize us, but we'll feel free to generalize you.
Have you never browsed Tumblr?
"Put Simon down..."
Not nearly as fluid and mesmerizing.
Star Control II (Seconded) (Thirded) (Fourthed)
"Don't you know this is the, um... year of the Swollen Moon?"
"It iiiiiiiiiiiiiiis!!!???"
I can't figure out why Robinson and McBride weren't there.
Maybe you could put that EXACT SAME COMMENT on more posts please.
It's a roast, it's the whole fucking point.
The dais on the Franco roast all were his friends.
Prince doesn't have an ounce of dark skin on him.