Sexualizing =/= sexist.
Women choose to wear bikinis all the time. Putting a man in a bikini to show that women choose to wear bikinis is fucking stupid.
Sexualizing =/= sexist.
Women choose to wear bikinis all the time. Putting a man in a bikini to show that women choose to wear bikinis is fucking stupid.
What's your number?
Yeah, Aziz would NEVER say anything off color and homophobic.
I personally glad it Dick Wolf exists. Law and Order is awesome.
I don't like SD/big headed characters. Aesthetically it's a total deal breaker for me. :/
I agree, some doctors just go through the motions and are shitty people. I'm hoping you have a good one(s) now!
I'm so glad my life and self esteem ride on how many Twitter followers I have. *eyeroll*
"Well I can tell by your BMI that you clearly take good care of yourself." Uh, OK, guess how much I'm drinking and how little I'm exercising doesn't matter?
Well, that's just shitty doctoring...
Beverley Mitchell Shot Herself in the Eye with Her Own Breast Milk
Doctors will usually only know what you tell them, as well. If you drink a lot, and don't exercise, a doctor can't possibly know that. You (anyone, not you specifically) have to tell them and address the issues from there.
I agree. After a few visits of my doctor just giving me the OK, I brought things up and he then addressed them. I go in and tell them every concern now, and if they blow it off, you have every right to address it again.
Sure! Here you go:
MMO Launches and statuses
There hasn't been a single 'smooth launch' in mmo history.
Also, staying logged in all weekend sort of identifies you as part of the problem.
I guess the constant reminder that women get paid less than men hindered my ability to comprehend the article. I cannot read when I am upset.
Seeing as how you post on Gawker 24 hours a day about total bullshit, I'm going to guess that's not exactly true.
I played the FFXIV login screen all weekend.
Thinking about tits is not unprofessional.