
That's a really weird and idiosyncratic issue you have there. It's exactly the same experience, just on a different map. Many third party L4D/2 maps are on par with the design quality of official maps, some are particularly stand out, some use totally new finale mechanics Valve haven't thought of, some are worth the

I can't tell you how much I relate to you, all the "it gets better" crap, Im the same I was before, Im just older. it feels like the struggle to even just live has taken so much of my time than what is even the point? And let's face it, the constant despair and sadness and anxiety is just part of it, I'm also

This time of year is a killer in a literal sense.

I lied. I cheated. I bribed men to cover up the crimes of other men. I am an accessory to murder. But most damning of all… I think I can live with it…

Where exactly do you get the information sneakylawyer is either a he, or that sneakylawyer found this with their girlfriend, Lauren?

Why does reddit always take things like this at face value? The artwork is amazing, but I wouldn't believe for a second that the guy who "found" these didn't have anything to do with he artist.

In our house it's "eat a bullet" or "Jim Morrison myself in the bathtub". Not as quaint as oven-head-sticking but we do what we can.

A quick nitpick, the First Opium War was fought to keep the opium trade into China open. The Qing authorities became alarmed at the widespread opium addiction and the trade deficit produced by the inrush of opium. In 1839, Lin Zexu, the governor of Canton unilaterally confiscated and destroyed about 1000 tons of

But what does it say about the Dragonborn? Can I learn to shout bears off cliffs with it?

Here's a dirty little secret, market force dictates that excessive frailty in male characters equals box office poison. Same goes for unapproachable invulnerable women. Don't blame hollywood because it follows our societal id. Consumers just have a problem with wimpy dudes and ice queens.

Outchangdean news.

Uh. Perhaps this isn't the place to air this kind of grievance, you might consider some other form of support. In the meantime do think on whether those ground down by life and made bitter by it deserve such an attack or might actually deserve sympathy, or if that is beyond you, just ignored. Saying anything in a

Can somebody photoshop some eyeballs into that photo? It's creeping me the hell out.