
oh no japanese people dont like it because of fucked up reasons what will everyone do

Scientific endeavours are rarely free of the same dickish individuals you see in normal society. Out of every 5 one will be that guy who has to poke, prod, break, move or whatever. And being that dick guy they'll always be the ones grabbing the manipulator arm, lasers, electric beacon gun or sharp stick before anyone

So to recap:

TBH this is a lot of hooey over a simple issue: any of those people telling this woman she was dressed inappropriately or calling her fake because of her dress are themselves really really demonstrating it is they who are fake. Anyone of any age who's seen TOS knows that outfit is totally on point. If they don't know

One that raises your mood to intense heights, such that you could pop it before leaving the house for anything and be the most awesome dude. Or else one that instantly maximises your oxygen absorption ability so you can think nothing of running flat out everywhere and doing anything.

Truefax: recently I earned my first date in years with a nice girl at college because I overheard her talking about GoT and jumped in. It didn't go so well since she was ten years my junior and it turns out watching GoT doesn't mark you as an intellectual at all, but yes, they certainly do watch it. Why that's

I'll be very interested to see how the viewing figures fare now. This is a TV show now not just a book. As far as most people watching care they just killed off the good guy and his whole family. Gets to a point where viewers don't have anyone to root for and tune out. Which I'm not even sure I'd blame them for.

Seriously need to shake it up. Either a return to older men, which isn't likely, or a woman doctor. Which also isn't likely. The smoke'll clear and it'll be another fresh faced young man with too much product in his hair and I'll switch off forever. Doesn't really matter if it's a black guy, it's still a chocolatebox

Outchangdean news.

No shit.

Don't bother man. 95% of the the articles here are lifted from reddit. Same goes for most other major blog sites. If reddit went down tomorrow article submission rates would plummet on every site you read. In case it escaped your attention in the last ten years.

I think Timm's artwork - how he draws women, just get that out there - contributed more to my nascent sexuality, in an era when there was no internet and I didn't have a TV in my room, than any other source. I still love it now.

Sane people do not want to involve power games and pain in anything in their lives, let alone sex, which is supposed to be about fun, love and stress relief. I've always found BDSM sick, and I have a tolerance for kinks you wouldn't believe and would put you in prison. The idea of taking something so pleasant and

Came to post the same thing, this just shows you what a laughable concept this country blocking is

Uh. Perhaps this isn't the place to air this kind of grievance, you might consider some other form of support. In the meantime do think on whether those ground down by life and made bitter by it deserve such an attack or might actually deserve sympathy, or if that is beyond you, just ignored. Saying anything in a

Westerners don't eat them because we spent thousands of years figuring out how to not have to. We tilled fields and fished from boats and domesticated beasts, instead of walk around digging grubs out of trees and grab handfuls of berries.

Um... God knows I'm not normally this guy but I find the header image and the video it's taken from in really poor taste and actually somewhat sickening. My stomach lurched and it still is. Why don't we post footage of the 9/11 jumpers next?

Now I have been exposed to them, I think these are pretty badass, the woman in the sepia photo looks like she is In Control, and I'd definitely be fascinated by anyone wearing one, even if just for decorative purpose.

I specifically changed careers in my late twenties to ensure this didn't happen. There is no way the work I do or any of the work I could choose to do can be done by machines any time in my lifespan. They'll have to invent computers capable of abstract physical sense and evaluation on very human, poorly defined

I am a man. I grow serious facial hair. I can tell you that actually, it is a real pain, and it can be an impediment. I shave smooth as a baby every morning not because I love shaving or am vain but because it is a pain in the ass having beard. My bearded colleagues (I have many in my line of work) might tell you