
I have to say, reading this article and especially the comments, has been refreshing (odd word, I know, but I don’t know how else to say this). Whenever a story like this comes along (this one was trending on Facebook), and makes the rounds of the internet, the comments inevitably turn to Holocaust denial. And in the


No. These words are not read enough.

Thank you for sharing this, DonnaL. Haunting, heartbreaking, yet beautifully written in its ode to Human Beings.

Our holidays at Temple now require bomb-sniffing dogs and a constant police presence.

Yes, the massacre of the Soviet Jews was one of the reason the gas chambers were put into far wider use. The psychological toll that executing people all day, every day was putting on the troops that carried out the task made the Nazis look for less personal means of executing massive numbers of people. Also, firing

The standard that the Allies put forth at the Nuremberg trials was “Those who unleash an illegal war of aggression are responsible for the whole of the evil unleashed therein.”
Never forget. Never again.

No one in a million years would have believed that Germany, of all places, would attempt the mass murder of tens of millions of people.

When I speak to the German half of my family in Germany these days, some of them are practically sobbing in fear of what we’ve done with Trump. Let that be a warning to Americans.

My grandmother was survivor. When she was in her 60s and 70s, she would go around schools in PA and NJ and talk about her experiences. On more than one occasion a student would raise his or her hand and tell her that their mom/dad said the Holocaust never happened. That part of her story always hurt me more than the

We all see what you’re doing here, and it’s intellectually phony, especially on this day, which is a celebration of a specifically African American civil rights leader.

I just wanted to say thanks for the depth of your research and your willingness to share (even with shitheads). I learned so much from your comments, and I really appreciate that you took the time and emotional effort to spread the truth.

I live in Berlin, in an area that was considered relatively central even in the 1940s, and I can think of two ‘work camp’ sites within 10 minutes walking distance of my apartment, plus at least 5 more that are near places I frequent. 42,000 is both shocking and does not surprise me in the least.

I think the New York Times article is completely irrelevant to Reich’s credibility, and does absolutely nothing to detract from it. As far as I’m concerned, it adds to it!

Sorry - got the names wrong - they are tossed about in the article. Either way, I didn’t find anyone who specifically reported they personally made the 5 million number up. It seems odd. Yehuda Bauer wrote that Simon confessed that fabrication to him. Why wouldn’t Simon have a memoir or anyone else who heard him say

If anyone’s interested in Karola Cohn (the apparent actual spelling) and her family, here’s her whole family as listed in the 1939 German Minority census. All of them perished:

I see now about the quote.

By the way, it shouldn’t be too difficult to trace whether there was a connection between this girl’s family and Anne Frank’s family, given that her name and birthdate are known and it should be easy to find out who her parents were. There’s been a great deal of work done on the Jewish families of Frankfurt and their

Eff off. Tell me again how many Syrian/Afghan/Somalian/ refugees you country has taken in in the 21st Century? Number of solar-powered towns? Vastness of eco-mass transit system? Unionised work forces? Just stop.

Was that just so the people wouldn’t panic?