Ok, now I dont feel so bad for getting fucking sick of the jokes and the corresponding lack of a legitimate resistance
Ok, now I dont feel so bad for getting fucking sick of the jokes and the corresponding lack of a legitimate resistance
I redacted my statement; you and I actually were talking about the same mass murders: it was the word ‘Soviet’ that threw me off: since I associated this with the Soviet Union, and wondered how the USSR had shot to death two million Jews and I had never heard of it. Mass killings of Jews in Eastern Europe under the…
I forgot that the bat mitzvah as we know it now is a relatively modern invention. Still, we started honoring the girl’s coming of age centuries ago so it seems likely there was *something* for the 12th birthday. Interestingly, though most things point out the 1922 date for the first Bat Mitzvah, this source (http://www…
There are so so so many camps we dont know about simply because they werent as large, I’ve even heard an estimate of 60-100,000 camps. The amount is mind numbing.
My Jewish grandmother is older than Anne Frank. And still very much alive and kicking. I hadn’t done that math either.
And instructive. For us. Now.
Many were on the soviet side of the Iron Curtain and between that and the population displacement in postwar Europe the western world only got a small part of the story.
Okay, you don’t like that source, then I give you the National World War II Museum:
Cohn died at Sobibor, whereas Frank died in 1945 at a camp in northern Germany, Bergen-Belsen. Having uncovered the second pendant, researchers are seeking out relatives of both Cohn and Frank to discern if there is any relation between the families.
Nazi Germany did kill others including- from wiki and including documented proof
The Nazis’ insistence on meticulous records is what dooms them to eternal blame and incontrovertible evidence as to the extent of their crimes. They wanted to show how completely they had saved humanity from the ravages of genetic types like Jews, Roma, the disabled, Slavs, etc. So when I read any kind of…
The preferred term is “Killing Center.” We [Holocaust scholars] try not to call the the 5 Killing Centers (denoted because they had gas chambers) “Death camps” anymore because death occurred at all of the concentration camps, over 40,000 of them. Also, it puts the agency on the killers, and the choices they made to…
Again, middle-aged white guy speaking. Understanding the concept of white fragility or even being able to diagnose it in ourselves isn’t enough. It’s a step in the right direction that we can’t assume that we get the benefit of the doubt. But asking for it to be extended anyway is just another way of swinging our…
I had this conversation with a white woman on the Root who got super offended when I said the white woman was part to blame.
Or maybe she could have minded her fucking business if she wasn’t going to help but to assume that someone working on a car was breaking into it rather than fixing it is racist fuckery. Furthermore complaining about having to think about the ramifications of your call to the police while not something that should have…
You talk as though this is the first time this has ever happened in the history of ever.
My father is white. He doesn’t accept responsibility for all white people nor their viewpoints any more than I accept responsibility for all black people and their viewpoints. To do so would indicate a level of the white guilt that I address in this piece.
But when the idea is raised that I may be participating in or benefiting from racism, actively or passively, that’s difficult to process. It runs exactly counter to my sense of personal identity.
Why are so many racists and whitesplainers in the black here on the Roots, while the best comments are in the greys? Is it intentional? Is this supposed to be a space where white people get to spew their nonsensical opinions on black people’s lives?
Us black people have read it thousands of times...