
Sam just posted a more ummm... aggressive comment on his Insta:

I was actually really impressed that the Police pointed out what most women already know... If your man is suddenly getting really into fitness... he might be a cheater. (#notallfitmen)

Look... Stassi... You aren’t a commodity worth saving.  Your time is past.  Fade off quietly.  

The end of this season was so incredibly problematic. She DID NOT want to be with him. She very politely kept telling him this wasn’t it. And he pushed and he pushed until she probably felt so pressured by him and the crew and the show and the “need for the storyline to wrap up”, that she conceded. I was super shocked

My god, she’s really leaning into being a flaming piece of trash. 

It’s almost...

Team cats.  Seems like a nice life to me, haha. 

During his public speech during Black Lives Matter, he said, he may never work again... And Hollywood Twitter came out rallying for him. He will definitely be getting work and really quality work at that. I’m excited for him.

Haha yes. She just looked really different to me at first. I am certainly not an aficionado.

Hooooo lordt. Did not think my post would be taken so intensly. I just didn’t recognize her at first. I realize she fixed her teeth and probably lost some weight. My gawd y’all. 

Agreed, looking at more photos, I think she’s slimmed up, and got her teeth fixed and that went a long way. 

Genuinely couldn’t figure who she was in those photos at first. It’s absolutely wild how good plastic surgery was that long ago.

He’s clearly in a crisis.

IIIIII’mmmmm guessing Princess Bea went ahead and got her wedding over with because Daddy may be going to prison or exile.

Yes! I actually watched the whole thing.  It was fun. 

NATURAL QUINTUPLETS. There has to be some specific X factor for people who naturally conceive so many multiples!!!

The right decision and clearly the standout worst of all her restaurants.

I mean....  winner. 

That tracks with the “Trump Factor”. Haha

I’ve determined Jax hasn’t been fired because he has the “Trump Factor”. He’s so wildly problematic, it’s hard to pin down and be outraged by one thing. Jax and Kentucky Karen need to go.