That update brought nothing to the table.
That update brought nothing to the table.
That’s metal AF.
I’d say moreso involuntary manslaughter. Wrong place at the wrong time. #collateraldamage
That’s taking “breaking his ankles” to a whole new level.
HOT TAKE: Eagles trade Bradford and a 1st for Foles; Wentz gets injured 10 games into the season; Bradford goes on to win the Eagles a Superbowl.
Oof. Me no read good.
What’s more surprising is that they missed the free cheesesteak deal by one point AGAIN.
Man, if only you guys had some prior experience with guys missing a hand.... Oh, wait.
Often I agree, he is a little... opportunistic with some of his releases (wtf Villanova?), But this one is pretty good, and I see getting ripped off the internets by other suppliers.
If anybody wants a badass shirt.
The guy eating horse shit served as penance.
Displaced Eagles fan pretending to work today while watching the parade.
Why yes, Steelers fans, the Eagles did win the Super Bowl.
That sure Teblows.
Ah, like Belgian Cafe? That’s another good place.
Mmm, my favorite alcoholic beverage.
Blind Pig is definitely the best pale ale they do I think. And that place is great for their Cantillon/Belgian connections! Get a lot of great shit, and I know a thing or two of the fuzziness myself ;) I’m amazed I remember anything from last year’s event.
I’ve never had a terrible experience there (that being said, I live in Bethlehem and have only been a handful of times) other than it being ungodly busy on certain release days and nights, and the fact that they weren’t open Super Bowl Sunday :( but in hindsight it was definitely for the best for me, haha.
You mean Pliny the Younger? As they have Elder very often, due to Tom’s connection to RR. I was actually there for when they released Younger last year. Good beer, but not worth the $15 for 4 oz it ran me, haha, but I could see how people would freak out over it when it was a world of non-NEPAs. At least it went to…